Drop out

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Chloe POV

I'm laying in reds bed, waiting for her to come back. Uma wanted to talk to her, and knowing red, she'll probably freak out at what ever Uma has to tell her.

I sat up against the backboard, trying to find something to do. I scanned reds nightstand, I reached over and opened a draw. There was the pocket watch, her mother's cards, and her sketchbook. She's kinda basic. I took her mother's cards, I know they have some type of magic with it, that only red, and her bloodline possesses, so I wasn't afraid of messing them up.

I took the cards out of the box and began shuffling with them. It was a nice distraction, I hope red comes back soon.

I got really board without her. It's like I need her in my presence to be alive. The way she makes me feel, the fact she gets vulnerable talking to me. She never had a should to lean on, now she haves me. I would do anything for her, no matter what, I love her.

When ever she's not having an anxiety attack, she's really sweat and nice. It's the little moments that count. Like her passcode is the day we met, and she draws me when I sleep. She always makes sure I'm okay.

When ever she gets nervous, she's fiddles with the necklace I got her. The necklace was expensive, like over 6 million dollars expensive. But I'm a princess, so I didn't care.

Even when we broke up, red still wore the necklace. She never stopped loving me, even after everything we been through.

I think I wanna marry her.

I caught my self smiling at the thought. That's when red burst into the room, with an angry expression on her face.

C- Red! What happened
I was concerned as confused at the situation.

R- Umas a bitch!
She shouted out of anger.

She closed the door and walked over to the edge of the bed. Her face was getting more red by the second.

C- woah, calm down, what happened.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm down before talking to me. She lowered her voice.

R- Uma basically said I have to switch dorms, or I'm expelled.




(See what I did there? Hehe)

C- what do you mean

She sat on the bed infront of me.

R- I mean, I missed to many days of school. Uma thinks you're a distraction for me.

I was shock, and confused. Red skips school on her own, even when I tell her not to. Why would I be the reason.

Red doesn't like school, at first she started showing up. Then, Maddox died, and now she has no regard for it. All she does is stay in our dorm all day.

R- Chloe, I think I might get expelled, before I left, I said "fuck you" to Uma.

She had a facial expression of guilt across her face.

C- what the hell did you do that for.

R- she mentioned Maddox

The room went silent. Red stared deeply into my eyes, and I stared into hers. She wanted me to understand where she was coming from, and I did.

I looked down, think of what to say next. Red did the same.

At the same time we said.

R- I'm gonna drop out.
C- you should switch dorms.


C- red! You can't drop out!

R- I don't wanna switch dorms.

Our faces were the same, we couldn't believe what each other had said.

C- red look, we have like almost all our classes together, we'll be together for like half of the day.

R- Chloe, you know I can't do that

C- Well, you can't drop out.

She looked defeated, like there was no good answers.

R- Chloe, I am not going back to wonderland, and I'm not switching dorms, I might as well drop out.

C- and go where?!

R- I don't know, I'm rich, I could literally go where even I want.

C- Red, that's not the point.

R- Chloe... I want you to run away with me.

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