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"Why am I here.?"
My voice cracked from the lack of water. I was thirsty. I was here for two days with no food nor water.
I put my head down, not wanting to look at this man.

I heard him walk across the room. I pick my head up an inch to see what he's doing.

He turns around I instantly put my head back down like it was a second ago.

"Don't be afraid to look at me baby" is accent was deep but slow. He walked over to me. I flinched. Unaware of what he might do next.
He was a few inches away from.

He put his hand out and I expected him to hit me for not looking up but instead he held out a water bottle. I looked up at the bottle and gently took it.
Once it was in my grasp I opened it fast and chugged it down my throat. I was really thirsty. The last thing I drank was coffee and I still had the faint taste. The sourness was still on my tongue. It wasn't a very pleasant after taste.

Once the water hit my tongue it felt so good. Making my sour dry tongue into a refreshing tongue.

"Thirsty aren't we.?" The guy said smugly.

"Very" I rolled my eyes. After I put the water bottle on the ground I put my head back down.

"Look at me" he slowly commanded.
I wasn't going to but then I thought.
I have to listen to him if I want to get out of here safely. Maybe if I listened he'll let me go. Maybe. Well its better than getting hurt so I might as well listen.

I slowly picked up my head and looked him. He didn't have the mask on. I saw his face but not as clear. It was still very dark.
From what I can see is that he had a sleepy face. I think he just woke up. Yes, probably from all my screaming.

"I'm sorry if my screaming woke you up..." I said lowely as he stared down on me. He was taller than me. I was fairly short and he was a mountain compared to me.

"Its okay...I shouldn't have left you tied up. Silly me...I forget things sometimes." He whispered in my ear. I shuttered as his he breathed down my neck.
I nodded and stepped a few inches away from him.

"No need to move darling. I'll always be with you. If you like it or not. Ive been waiting for the day to have you all to myself." He smirked.

"Were you the one that paied for my coffee that day.?"

He nodded slowly. He positioned himself in front of me. As I looked up to him.

"So you've been watching me for sometime now huh.?" I whispered putting my head down. Which I regreted as soon as I did it. My head landed on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I shivered at his close touch. We looked like a drama movie. When the girl crys and the guy trys to comfort her. But this was far different than that. This guy...kidnapped me..

"Yes." He said as he put his head on top of mine. My cheeks immediately turned red. What if my hair smelled..? I haven't took a shower in 2 days...

"Do..does my hair stink.?" I asked slowly. I know its a stupid question to ask but I wanted to know because if it did, I would ask to take a shower.

He chuckled deeply. He had a wonderful laugh that immediately soothed me.

"What a silly question" he laughed into my hair. "And No it doesn't. It actually smells like strawberries, love"
I smiled at his silliness and immediately thanked God it smelled good.

"Well baby girl, we need to talk about a few things"

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