Chapter 13

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"Alright Babe... Have a good time at class with Kaner. I hope he doesn't act too stupid. The teacher isn't that big of a fan of stupid people like Kaner," Jonny joked as he gave me a quick hug.

"Haha I'll try. And he's stupid all by himself, he doesn't need to act it," I giggled and then mumbled, "Have fun at your photo shoot Jonny! Love you!"

"Love you too Chrissy," He replied and pecked me on the lips before he headed out the door. I just stood there and shrugged my shoulders before I walked into the kitchen, making a nice tasty sandwich for lunch.

Just as I sat down at the island to eat Pat swung the door opened revealing his scruffy facial hair filled face. He knocked on the door and swung it shut once he knew that I saw him. Pat came further into the apartment and went into the kitchen and got got himself a glass of water. Once he had it he plopped down in the seat to my left.

"How are you today, Christina," he asked slowly as if he had to be careful how he asked it.

"Eh. Not bad I guess. The little one has been kicking my bladder ever since I woke up this morning," I mumbled and took a bite of my sandwich.

"Well, you do need muscular legs to be a figure skater," Kaner joked with a little smirk. He really needs a haircut. His mullet isn't looking all that good right now. Then again.... It never looks good. He needs to shave too.

"Shut up. I think that's the last thing this baby is gonna be. If anything it's gonna be a dancer. Not a figure skater. I couldn't live with a figure skater. I say Soccer player... I don't know. It can be whatever it wants. It can open its own nail salon for all I care," I informed as I kept eating.

"What time are we uh leaving," Pat asked and took a sip of his water. He seemed a little uneasy or... nervous?

"Ten minutes ok with you? Because you've never been there so I figure you'll be you and get lost in ten point ten seconds," I replied and giggled.

Pat's face was priceless, "I am really hurt Christina! I'm not that bad of a navigator... Without a GPS... And mine's kinda broken... so..." He gave me an unsure look and a weird random smirk.

"See Pat! I rest my case. You're not the smarte-est... God damn it won't spot kicking me," I complained as put my hand on my stomach. Seriously there was a lot of pounding on my bladder. Should it even be kicking this much at almost 7 months?

Kaner looked at me with a questionable look playing on his face, "Can... Can I feel? I always awkward when I asked my friends' girlfriends or wives if I can..."

I nodded and mumbled, "Sure Kaner." I smiled I turned myself so my belly was facing him. He leaned forward and placed his large hand on my large stomach. The baby kicked, very, very hard.

"I'm the favorite uncle already! I can feel it," He cheered and then leaned down so his face was really close to my stomach, "I'm your favorite uncle aren't I? Huh?"

I pushed Pat away and laughed, "Kaner! Don't sucker the baby into it! It's gonna pick its own favorite uncle! I mean really Pat... For all we know... Jonny's brother will be the favorite uncle! He'll be the only biological one!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! This baby will love me. We should... We should go! I don't want to get lost," Pat mocked me with a little smile as he stood up. I followed suit and quickly ran to our bedroom to grab my purse.

"Alright Pat... Are you ready for this Pat," I questioned as we both walked out the door. He put his hand on the small of my back as we walked. Creepy? Or?

"I parked in Jon's spot," I notified and then continued, "Yeah... I am. Not exactly sure what to expect though. But hey, we'll get through it together! If Sharpy could do it I can!!!"

"Haha sure Pat! Question though," I mentioned as I jumped into his truck, "Why do you even want to go Pat?"

He took a deep breath and started his car, "I want to be here for my future God Child even though it's not yet born. I miss being around kids my sisters are all grown up now and... It's just weird. I want to be here."

"Are you sure you didn't get a girl pregnant Kaner? Are you practicing," I joked as I looked over at him with a little smirk on my face.

"You're funny Christina! So funny! I always use a glove... And... I can't believe I'm gonna tell you this... I haven't gone to bed with a girl since like March," Kaner mumbled and looked at me with an appointed look.

"Wow Kaner! All talk and no walk, huh?"

"Shut up. Now when I turn out of the parking structure do I turn right or left," He asked and let out a long sigh.

"You take a right... And I'm sorry... Did I uh offend you? I-I didn't mean to," I mumbled and looked over at him with a sympathetic face.

"It's fine. It's just hard. I don't know what it is. We just won the Cup and I can't get laid. I should be able to get laid right!?!" This is actually really funny.

"Pat. It's all fine. You're just looking for the right girl. And when you find her you'll realize that you're acting kinda stupid right now," I advised with a little smile.

"I guess you're right... Thank you Christina... It means a lot. You're the only person I've told this to... But... Wait... How the fuck did Jon get laid and I haven't been laid in like 9 months! He's Jon," Pat complained and let out a long sigh.

"Okay. Wait a minute Kaner. I was drunk off my ass and he was a little tipsy. In the long run it ended up being love. I hope it doesn't turn out the same way for you... I mean the getting a girl pregnant first thing... But... As long as you love whoever she is... It'll all be good," I informed with a little shrug. "Take a left here and it'll be on the right."

He pulled into a parking space and smiled over at me, "Thank you for helping me! Now... Let's go in there and get you trained and ready to have my God Child!"

We both hopped out and walked into the studio space. I pulled Pat over to my normal place and sat down on the ground, with the help of Pat of course. As some of the girls came in you could just see his eyes drift all over, mostly to the other woman.

"Oh man! Look at her in the pink. She's smokin' for a pregnant woman! She's got such a nice rack. Or Oh my! That girl in the green. She's... Oh... She has such a nice ass. It's so beautiful... And... And plump," Pat whispered to me sounding like a kid in a candy store.

"Pat," I scolded and wacked him in the chest with my hand, "Stop it! What's wrong with you!?! Is this why you wanted to come?"

"Nope," He paused and licked his lips before responding, "However this is a bonus!" His blue eyes were full of happiness. He is gonna flip when the teacher comes. Oh god.

And as if on cue she walked into the room wearing her normal tight workout clothes. Kaners jaw dropped and I swear that he was drooling. "Holy Zeus. She is... Wowza. She's so freaking hot."

"Welcome to class everyone," She began.

Boy, this is going to be a long one.


I'd like to thank Baileebug728 for the idea of having Patrick go to a birthing class!!! haha!

- JJ :) Thanks for reading!

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