Chapter 14

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I stood in the guest bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like such a mess. My stomach had a ton of horrible, ugly stretch marks. My ankles were swollen. I shook my head. I look horrible. I look fat... I look like a whale. This is horrible.

Just as I was rubbing my hand over my stretched out stomach Jonny passed by and stopped dead in his tracks before walking into the room. "What are you doing in here Chrissy," Jonny asked and approached me with a little smile on his face. He stood behind me and placed his chin on my right shoulder. I watched our reflections in the mirror.

A stray tear ran down my face, "I... I look ugly. Why did you do this to me?"

Jonny kissed my shoulder and spoke, "It's a beautiful thing Christina. You're beautiful. And... I can't wait to have our little one here. It'll all be worth it babe!"

I sighed and gave him a look through the mirror, "It's not fair Jonny. I- I have to carry a baby for nine months and you... You don't have to. You don't have to feel like a whale. You don't have to be fucking enormous."

Jonny's hands tailed down to my stomach. "You're right. It's not fair. I don't get to feel the joy of carrying our beautiful baby." The baby began to kick at Jonny's hand.

"You're not complaining because it's not kicking your bladder 24/7. And your ankles aren't swollen. It's horrible Jonny," I told him as I began to cry even more. "I hate what pregnancy is doing to me."

"I love what it's doing baby. We're gonna have a baby. We're gonna grow old together. We're going to be as happy as can be," Jonny mumbled and kissed my shoulder again.

"Jonny... I hate being pregnant. I hate it some much. I can't go to work anymore because I can't walk on the streets. My ankles are too damn swollen and I can't bowl anymore. I can't do what I love anymore. And I can't get a decent night of sleep... The Doctor is going to have me on bed rest soon. What am I supposed to do when you're not here!? God damn Jonny. I'm falling the fuck apart," I cried and turned myself around so I was crying into his chest.

"Shhh," Jonny's voice was quiet and soft as he rubbed his hands up and down my back to relax me. I shook my head and continued to cry.

"Darling... It's all ok. You'll be fine. Robby is always on standby when I'm out of town. You know that. When we get closer to your due date... I'll stay in town if you want. I'll just do whatever I'll tell you what though, no matter what I'll be here for you and our baby," he told me as he slightly pushed me away and looked into my eyes with his beautiful brown ones.

"Jonny," I mumbled and hugged him tightly, still crying, "I'm so glad to have you."

"And I'm glad to have you," Jonny's bold voice whispered as he put a hand on my cheek, "I love you so so much. You don't even know."

"I love you too," I replied, "I'm sorry that my hormones are outta whack though." I giggled slightly and pulled my tank top down over my large, disgusting belly.

"It's okay. It's all a part of the experience darling," Jonny said and kissed me on the lips softly. He then pulled away and smiled brightly at me.

"I... I know Jonny... It's just... Gah. Now, can we go make lunch before you have to take your pregame nap? Me and the baby want to eat," I told him and pulled away to walk out of the guest bedroom.

"Yeah... I'll go start our steaks! You should go take a nice hot bath after lunch too. That'll help you with your aches and pains," Jon advised with a smile and walked into the kitchen to start the stove.

"Yeah... That's probably a good idea! Now go make lunch," I called and sat down on our couch. I sighed when the little one hit me repeatedly. It's not fair. Jonny should have to deal with getting kicked all day, not me. I'd much rather be hit in the face with a Shea Weber of Zdeno Chara slap shot than have to be kicked in the bladder all day like I have been.

"Hey do you want A1 sauce, babe," Jonny asked and popped his head out from the kitchen. I looked up at him over my stomach a replied with a curt nod. "What will you want to drink," He added on.

"Just water is fine," I informed with a little sigh. What I could really go for right now is some alcohol. Being pregnant is driving me to drink.

Soon enough the steaks were ready and Jonny was helping me up from the couch, "Did you make the vegetables too?"

"I sure did! Are you ready to eat a meal fit for a king," Jon asked and sat down at the island. I sat down next to him and began to dig in.

"Of course I am! I could eat a fucking horse. I've been craving steak for a while and you know it Jonny," I told him and I cut further into my steak, "damn. I never realized how good a cook you were!"

"Thank you! Thank you very much. I try," Jonny joked with his dry sense of humor and showed me a little smirk.

"I know you do. And this is the first time you've succeeded after, what? Twenty thousand times," I shot back as I continued to eat.

"Haha, very funny. You're lucky that I love you," Jonny said with his deep voice full of sarcasm.


Hope  you enjoyed! :)

- JJ :)

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