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You know nothing about my life right now. Not because I didn't tell you before, not because I didn't want to tell you. It's because you chose not to. You don't care enough to ask or to hold it in your memory. If you do ask, due to a nightmare you had, you don't care enough to hear the answer. Not even when I told you, when it was just the two of us talking. I answered your question. I said I wasn't fine. But in response, you said nothing. You literally ignored me. So, no: I won't ever take the first step, and I won't ever reach first, just by the tiniest demonstration of you giving a damn about how I feel. Not ever again. Because you don't care. You don't act on it. You chose to put these hundreds and hundreds of kilometers between us at all times, so I will orbit you no more.

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 27, 2024 ⏰

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