Me +You

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*This is the sequel to Come Wake Me Up. I hope you guys enjoy the third installment of Juice and Courtney! The comments and votes are appreciated! Don't forget to follow. Much love xxxx*

"You turned into everything you said you would never be," Juice said, spitting blood in his direction.

He smirked,"I do what I have to do to protect my club, you know that. This ain't personal."

"Your screens seem to be well, so there is no cause for concern Mrs. Ortiz," the doctor spoke as a very concerned woman sat in front of him.

"These pains, they were horrendous. The baby and everything is okay?" Courtney asked.

The doctor chuckled,"Yes, Courtney, the baby is fine. Your little boy's heart beat is strong, and you're okay too."

"Thank you," Courtney laughed,"You have reassured every crazy thought I've had these past nine months."

She got up and shook his hand. "That's what I'm here for. Call me if anything else concerns you," he told her with a smile as she left.

Arriving home, she stepped out of the car to be greeted by very eager six-year olds.

"How's the baby mama?" Cameron asked before taking her hand as they walked inside.

Chuckling, she answered,"He's happy and healthy and can't wait to meet his older brothers."

Juice greeted Courtney in the foyer with a kiss to her and her protruding stomach.

After returning home, Courtney found she was pregnant with a little boy whom they had decided to name Cadyn. Juice returned to his garage, and Courtney went back to being a stay at home mom.

"So everything's good?" Juice asked, referring to Courtney's doctor's appointment.

Courtney nodded,"He's happy and healthy, and we shouldn't be seen again until I've went into labor."

"When's your next counseling session?" Juice asked. After coming back from Charming, Courtney was diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, and had been seeing a shrink.

"Tomorrow, and it's the last one. She tells me I've made remarkable progress," Courtney said as she began preparing dinner.

"I'm sorry," Juice told her for what seemed like the millionth time.

"Juan, you've said this a shit ton of times. It's okay," Courtney told him.

Juice shook his head although Courtney couldn't see him,"No it's not, Court. All this psychological shit you got goin' on, and Cameron having those nightmares from bein' shot. It's on me, all of it."

Courtney strolled over and placed herself between his legs as she put her hands on his face, bringing his eyes to meet hers. "I was the one who suggested we go for Ope's funeral. It's not on you. It's my fault, Juan, but it's over. We're okay, our boys are okay, all of them," she told him, placing his hand on her stomach as she kissed him firmly.

The kiss quickly escalated as Juice's hands found their way up the sundress she was wearing.

"What are you guys doing?" Collin asked as the pair quickly separated much to Juice's dismay.

"Do parents ever get alone time?" He asked, chuckling before picking the very curious boy up.

Courtney giggled,"They say it gets worse after the third one."

Juice groaned before kissing her on the neck and going out to play with the boys in the backyard.

Courtney found herself watching them, her boys, all together and all okay.

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