Not the Same

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*Just a little something for you guys! Hope you enjoy! Comments and votes are appreciated! Don't forget to follow and check out my other stories! Much love xxx*

"What are the plans for today?" Juice asked, planting a kiss on Courtney's cheek. They had been sent home from the hospital a few days ago, and Ava had been staying to help with the new baby while Courtney adjusted to having three children at home.

"Well, I'll be here, hanging out with the kids until I take them to their checkups at 2, but Ava went out a little while ago, something about errands," Courtney told him before handing him and the boys their plates.

"Routine checkup?" Juice asked.

"Yeah, I figured with Cadyn's check up being today already, I'd get the boys their checkups for school too," Courtney told him.

Juice smiled,"Look at you mom."

Courtney laughed,"Yeah. You better hurry before you're late for work,dad."

Juice chuckled before kissing her and heading out the door.

"Cameron, stop hitting your brother," Courtney said to the very irritated six year-olds. They had been at the doctor for hours awaiting the blood work results of the twins, and the boys were being anything but patient.

"Ahh Mrs. Ortiz," the doctor said, taking a seat in front of her.

"Hi Dr. Taylor, I'm sorry for their behavior," Courtney timidly said, picking Collin up to sit in her lap.

The doctor giggled,"It's perfectly fine, I get the whole grumpy child thing especially when they've been stuck in the doctors for so long. Actually, why don't you guys go get a Popsicle with Dr. Karen here. She's really cool."

The boys jumped at the opportunity and followed her out.

"So their lab results? Is everything okay?" She asked.

The doctor sighed before looking up at Courtney again,"Have you noticed a change in Collin recently?"

Courtney looked at her confused,"What is this about? What do the results say?"

"Has he maybe been more tired lately?" The doctor questioned.

"Can you please just tell me what's going on with my son?" Courtney pleaded.

"His red and white blood cell count was extremely low, and that is concerning. Has he had any other odd behaviors such as becoming chilled out of nowhere or has he been weaker than usual?" The doctor asked.

"He has been asking for extra blankets on his bed at night, but where is all of this going?" Courtney asked, becoming more terrified by each question the doctor asked.

"Mrs. Ortiz, I'd like to send your son to a colleague of mine in Seattle, Dr. Arizona Robbins for a second opinion, but I think your son may have Leukemia."

Pulling up to Juice's mechanic shop, Ava gathered the words in her head. She wasn't sure how to even go about this or if what she thought was even an issue, but she needed to let Juice know. Juice met her by her car with a worried expression on his face.

"Everything okay?" He asked, wiping the grease off of his hands with a dirty towel.

Ava nodded,"Yeah, Court and the boys are still at the doctor waiting on labs. I have to talk to you about something else though."

Juice nodded for her to continue.

Ava sighed,"Jax came around my house the other day, which was odd because I haven't seen much of him since Opie died."

Juice gave her a puzzled look before she went on," He was asking me about you. How you guys were. Said something about checking up on old friends."

Juice nodded," and why do you think that was something you needed to tell me?"

Ava shrugged,"Jax isn't himself, and I know what happened between all of you that night you all left my house. I'm just worried I guess."

"About what?" Juice asked.

"That he may try to finish what he started ten months ago."

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