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"Hey," Juice greeted as he side hugged his old friend.

Chibs nodded,"How is everyone?"

"They're good," Juice lied. Things at home were far from good right now with Collin's pending diagnosis, but he didn't feel the same loyalty he used to feel to Chibs so he opted not to go into too much detail, plus he new Courtney would be furious to even know he was talking to a member let alone sharing their personal life with them.

"What do ya need from me Juicy boy? I know ya didna bring me here to talk about old times," Chibs said, looking at him knowingly.

Juice nodded,"That shit that went down months ago, is it squashed?" Juice was careful not to sound accusingly for the fear that Chibs would go back to his president with information.

Chibs shrugged,"It was squashed the day it all happened boyo. Where is this comin' from?"

It was Juice's turn to shrug,"Nowhere. Court just needed some reassurance." Juice stood up from where they were sitting and shook the Scots' hand. "I gotta go, family shit."

Chibs nodded in understanding as the two parted ways. Juice wanted to believe Chibs' reassurances, but the nagging feeling he had wouldn't go away as he pulled up to their house and quietly snuck back in.

The next day...

"Everything all loaded up? We have to hurry. The plane leaves in an hour," Courtney ushered the slow-moving boys and their father. They had no choice but to get an early flight so they could make their appointment time in Seattle.

After adjusting Cadyn into his car seat, Juice got in and drove to the airport where his friend would be waiting to pick the car up as they boarded their plane.

"Hi, we have an appointment to see Dr. Arizona Robins," Courtney told the receptionist.

"Mr. And Mrs. Ortiz right?" A blonde-haired lady said from the other side of the nurse's station.

Courtney nodded as the lady approached them. "My name's Dr. Arizona Robins," she told them, putting her hand out there for each of them to take.

They followed her to a room where Collin was placed on the bed.

"I'd like to run a set of tests on him just to check. I want you to keep hope because there is still a chance this isn't Leukemia," she said with a warm smile as she listened to his heart. "You've got a really strong heart dude." Collin smiled,"Does that mean I'm strong?"

Arizona laughed and nodded,"The strongest kid I've ever met." She turned her attention towards Courtney and Juice. "I'm going to have Dr. Karev run the tests for me, and I'll be back with the results later on okay?"

Courtney nodded as the man she was assuming was Dr. Karev came in and took Collin back for his tests.

She sighed as Juice put his arm around her,"It's gonna be okay, Court."

Courtney looked at him,"Please don't say that shit to me. You know as well as I do that this is not gonna be okay no matter what the results say. Something is wrong with our son, Juan. Something we can't protect him from."

Juice sighed but continued to rub her back soothingly.

A few hours later

Courtney was feeding Cadyn when Arizona and Dr. Karev returned and took seats in front of her.

"Hey Collin, why don't you and your brother go play with Dr. Karev?" Arizona asked as Karev stood up and led the boys out of the room.

"We did numerous tests including an MRI which showed us a tumor growing on your son's spine," Arizona said as Courtney's hand immediately flew to her mouth and the tears began to fall.

"So, there is no leukemia, but he does have spinal cancer. Luckily, with his age and the early detection, the process should be smooth to get it out, but there is a high chance that the tumor will grow back," Arizona further explained.

Juice, holding back tears himself, asked,"So what do we do?"

Arizona cleared her throat,"I'm having another doctor assist me, Dr. Shepherd. He will be in tomorrow to discuss the risks of surgery with you."

"How bad are the risks?" Courtney asked.

"He will tell you more tomorrow, but one risk with any spinal surgery is paralysis. That does not mean it will happen," she told them. Juice was surprised when Courtney stood up, handed Cadyn to him and walked out.

Arizona looked at him. He shrugged,"It's what she does when shit like this happens. She has to separate herself for a while."

She nodded,"I'd like to keep Collin here overnight to monitor any changes." With that, she left him to sit and think about what they were going to do.

His phone ringing startled him as he picked it up to see that it was his shop.

"Hello," he said.

"Boss, someone just came by and shot the place up. Police are on their way," Rico told him.

"Shit man, are you okay? Did you see them?" He asked.

"I'm fine, just a graze, but they were on bikes. There were about six of 'em," he said before Juice slammed his phone shut and threw it at the wall.

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