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As Kara took another sip of her wine, Damon leaned forward, his tone casual but his eyes sharp. "Maybe, while you're in town, we could use your help with something," he said, studying her reaction.

Kara looked up, intrigued. "Oh? What's on your mind?"

Damon shifted slightly, glancing around the Grill as if ensuring no one was listening in. "There's a... situation," he started, carefully choosing his words. "We've got a guy in town, Mason Lockwood. He's this kid Tyler's uncle, and there's something seriously off about him."

Kara tilted her head, her curiosity piqued. "The Lockwoods?"

"Yeah, he's got this friendly, laid-back vibe, but he's hiding something big," Damon replied, lowering his voice. "I suspect he's a werewolf, but as far as I am aware they don't exist... unless you know any information?"

Kara nodded thoughtfully. "I first met the Lockwoods in 1864. Trouble from the start. Unfortunately, werewolves do exist so I would be happy to assist, as long as it is not on a full moon."

Kara leaned back, her expression serious. "If Mason Lockwood is a werewolf, it won't take long for me to figure it out. But we should be careful. If he senses we're onto him, he'll make things harder for us."

Damon nodded, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "I like the way you think. Subtlety isn't exactly my strong suit, so maybe you can balance me out here."

She chuckled, sensing the challenge ahead. "I'll do what I can, but Damon, just be ready. Werewolves are dangerous, and if he's hiding, he's doing it for a reason."

Damon grinned. "Oh, I'm counting on it."


Damon orchestrated a barbecue at the doppelganger's residence, hosted by her Aunt Jenna. Kara arrived at the barbecue, he made her way over to Damon, who was lounging by the grill with a drink in hand, eyeing the gathering with a calculated coolness.

"Nice setup," she said, nodding at the scene around them. "Doesn't exactly scream covert werewolf stakeout, but points for creativity."

Damon smirked, taking a sip from his glass. "Barbecue, beer, and a few strategically placed questions—works every time." He inclined his head subtly toward Mason, who was talking with Jenna near the drinks table. "There's our guy. Keep an eye on him."

Kara followed his gaze, her eyes narrowing as she took in Mason's relaxed posture and easy smile. There was nothing immediately suspicious about him—he looked like any other charming newcomer in town. But Kara knew better than to trust appearances.

Damon's eyes landed on two girls and so he grabbed her arm and lead Kara over to them, flashing his trademark smirk as he nudged her forward. "Ladies, I'd like you to meet an old friend of mine," he announced smoothly, his voice carrying an air of mystery that immediately caught Elena and Caroline's attention. "This is Kara."

Elena's eyes widened slightly with recognition. "You were that girl at the grill." 

Kara nodded. "Yes, wasn't exactly subtle of me."

Elena gave a soft laugh. "It's okay. Old friend, huh?" she repeated, her tone friendly but with a hint of curiosity.

Kara smiled politely, feeling Damon's gaze on her, amused. "Yes, Damon and I... go back quite a ways," she replied, keeping her tone intentionally vague.

Caroline's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "How far back, exactly?" she asked, always one for details.

Damon cut in smoothly, giving Kara a playful look. "Far enough that I'd say she's practically family," he teased, though his words held an undertone that suggested she was far more than just an acquaintance.

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