Happy Family

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I had a perfect family. My mom Kathryn might have been a tad bit bitchy but I knew she loved me. My dads name is Joseph but most people just called him Joe. He's really sweet so I'm not sure how he ended up with mom, but I'm glad he did. Then there was my ANNOYING brother, Jamie. He's 19 and way to over protective of me. And last but certainly the best, there's me, Addy. I'm 16 and very intelligent.

My Parent's got married and moved into our house a year before having Jamie. My brother was know for his "good looks" even though I didn't see them at all. Our house was pretty big considering my parents had good jobs. My mom and dads room was on the top floor along with a bar my dad and his friends got drunk in. The middle floor has a bathroom, the kitchen, living room, and Jamie's room. My room was in the basement, all to myself. Outside we have a hot tub and pool that are rarely used.

I had amazing friends on top of that. Brooke was my best friend since we were 3, we didn't really talk much growing up because we were in different school districts but we do now. We did everything together no mater how crazy, like go to parties...

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