The Truth Comes Out

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"Me and your father are getting a divorce" She just came out and said it. But a divorce? No. My parents were so happy together. I didn't realize I was crying until mom reached up and wiped my cheeks.

"No can't" I scared to shout "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! OR JAMIE!"

"Honey calm down Jamie already knows" She tried rubbing my back but I jerked away hurting my stomach.

"That asshole, I'm gonna k-kkill him" I was crying, hard at this point.

"Please sit, I promise I'll explain" she begged me. I took a few deep breaths and slowly and silently sat down.

"A couple of weeks ago I got home from work and your father wasn't here. I waited for him to come for hours. I just lay on the couch staring a hole through the door. Finally at 3 am your father came stumbling through the door drunk off his ass." She paused to let out a sob, and I did too. "We got in a huge argument and he hit me right across the cheek." and she cried harder. I stood up and walked over to her hugging her. "And then he allowed you to go to this party and that just put me over the edge." She just cried and cried.

"Mom the party isn't dads fault. I lied and that was wrong of me, not him. Please don't blame him for something he didn't do mom."

"His fault or not Ad, were getting a divorce and I'm sorry."

Just then Jamie came stumbling in the room. "What's going on?" he asked.

Before mom could answer I jumped out of my chair and launched at him pounding my small fists to his large muscular chest. "HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME" I screamed between sobs. "This is your fault" I spat at his face.

"Woah Ad calm down." he said grabbing my wrists. "I just found out that they were getting divorced yesterday! I was going to tell you but Harry came over then Brooke, then I didn't see you!" I started to raise his voice and I backed away. I sank down with my back against the wall. My stomach hurt so bad when I pulled my knees up to my chest, but I didn't care. My life was being shattered piece by piece second by second. I honestly wished the bullet hit my heart or my brain.

Either would be less painful.

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