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^Annas Pov^
It feels amazing being on the main roster but I already knew not many people were gonna like me at all cause of a few reasons a.) cause of who my brothers are b.) cause of how old I am c.) cause I'm different then them and d.) I can fight men too.

I'm sitting in the back waiting for my match which I don't know who it's against but oh well. Stephanie calls Dean Ambrose and Roman Regins to the ring, once they are on their she says "now boys I called you hear to form the shield again" the crowd cheers "there's no way in hell im working with Rollins again" Dean says "who said anything bout it being Seth or a man in matter a fact it's actually a diva" she says and the crowd says what?, roman and dean look at each other and laugh "wait so your putting one of those Barbie doll divas with us? Uh no thank you we rather be by ourselves then team with them" Roman says harshly "no guys before you say no let me tell us who it is , she is known for the circus of psychos" the crowd cheers "her name is Anna Hardy!" My music starts and I get a bunch of cheers as I do my entrance, when I get to the ring I grab the top rope using my arm strength I lift my self up over the top ropes then stand on the top rope the doing a back flip off of it. Finally my music stops. I stand near Stephanie then Ambrose says "her really you got team rainbow hair freak and the lamest ECW champ little sister" everyone oohs "listen here Ambrose and you listen good just cause I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't kick your ass in this ring" I say and he laughs "really your a little girl your short, you can't wrestle the only thing you have going for you is your looks and even then you don't have much going for you" he says making my blood boil "Anna calm down how about this the main event can be Dean Ambrose vs Anna Hardy" Steph says and I smile and Dean smirks "now Anna just cause your a girl doesn't mean he'll go easy on you" Roman says "Roman I don't care if he dose or doesn't I'll still kick his ass" I say leaving the ring smirking.

*Main Event*
"This is set for one fall" deans music plays "introducing first from Cincinnati, Ohio Dean Ambrose!" He dose whatever he dose "and his opponent from Cameron, North Carolina Anna Hardy!"  My music plays and I come out in my ring gear(above) and I do my entrance and stand on the turnbuckle doing my brothers hand signs. And I get down.

^Third persons pov^
Dena and Anna stand off, the ref rings the bell and they lock up, the major size difference helps Dean take charge but soon after Dean tries to end it early by doing his move dirty deeds but Anna revers it tripping Dean and putting him in the BAA and the BTB, he quickly reaches the rope making her have to release. She stands and starts punching and hitting him and he's laying flat I his back, she moves him to the middle of the ring and standings on his stomach and dose a back flip landing on him and Jerry scream "SOI!" And Anna goes for the pin
"Ring the bell!" The ref says "and your winner by pin fall Anna Hardy!" Anna rolls out of the ring and the ref raises her hand as Dean is still laying in the middle of the ring and you can faintly hear Anna say "I warned you Ambrose!"

^Anna's Pov^
I head back stage people looking at me, whatever I'm use to it. As I'm walking back I hear someone talking "so your gonna turn on Anna after she saved you?" I hear a female voice "yeah I don't care I was never her friend I just felt bad I mean who would be her friend anyways? Look at her she's too different" I hear Paige's voice say "when are you gonna turn on her?" The voice says "on Smackdown me and her have a Match with Nikki and Bri when she goes for the tag I'll jump down from the mat leaving her the face them all alone" I hear Paige say "that's just cruel even for you Paige I hope Karma comes back and bits you in the ass" I hear foot steps and a girl with Blond hair with pink in it comes out "you herd that didn't you?" She asked "yeah it's whatever I'm use to it not many girls or guys like to be my friend cause of who I am" I shrug getting ready to walk away "hey wait I wanted to introduce my self I'm Natalya" she saying smiling "im Amber Anna Hardy"  I say smiling "hey wanna meet some of the superstars and divas?" She asked "I don't know they won't like me" I say shyly "nonsense yes they will let's go" she takes my wrist pulling me down the hall, when we get there there's a bunch of people standing at catering waiting for us and I freeze. Dear god

Hey guys yes I updated let me know what you think of it :)


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