|13| Falling hard

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^Annas pov^
I can't help it ever since Dean helped me I can't help but get this weird feeling in my chest whenever I see him, It can't be I will never do it again. I will not fall for him.

^Dean Ambrose^
I can't help it when I see her I don't know what this feeling is, I can't be falling for her I won't accept it not after what happen with Renee I just can't let my heart be broken again I know not all girls are the same but i can't let myself fall for a girl I will never have a chance with, I wish I did but she's so close to the others she has a crush on one of them maybe if I can gain her trust maybe she will that I won't hurt her but I will protect her, I can't explain how I feel just they way she is so different, she dyes her hair different colors yet its still so soft. Dear lord help me.

^Annas pov^
Today I have a signing with Dean and a few others its been 6 months since i debuted and its been 2 months since I won the title and I plan on keeping it for a long while.

Hey guys I know its been a while since I've updated I have been having some personal issues and I have also gotten a new phone so I've been trying this download everything I needed too and I just got a it done


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