|16| Surprise

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*Anna's pov*
Today is the day I defend my IC title my team won on Raw, that means Stephanie gets to pick my opponent for my title. Honestly I'm scared cause she's never liked me cause of the things I'm doing for the women's division is just like Chyna was doing, and today my gear is inspired by Chyna since she has passed away. Chyna is my hero and I will honor her anyway I can. Earlier today I got a call from her old manager, he knows how much she meant to me I always wanted to meet her and about a month ago I did, her manager said she left me a letter which completely surprised me. She wanted me to read it the Wwe universe. So here I am in my hotel room with the guys(Jon, Joe, Colby and my brothers) getting ready to read it
"Okay lets do this" I look up and see Matt press the record button "hello everybody this is Wwe superstar and current Intercontinental champion Anna Hardy here and I was asked to read this letter from the later great 9th wonder if the world Chyna umm her manager reached out to me and said left a letter for me and it's for the Wwe universe and for me so here we go.
Dear, Wwe universe and Anna,
I'm sorry is all I can really say, I'm sorry for never being enough to help the women's revolution, I know everyone may say I did but I don't feel like I did. I'm sorry for letting everyone down.
Anna when I met you I knew you had something special in you from ye spark you got when you talked about how you debuted to how you felt about being able to hold a men's title in the modern era. You knew what you wanted and how to get it. I don't want you to ever give up on your dreams. Be someone for that little girl to look up to be the one to show you can achieve your dreams. I want you to know that I talked to Vince before my passing and even left a letting for you, saying I want you for your wrestle mania entrance to use not only my ring gear but my cannon blaster I used when I was in Dx. Be someone for everyone to look up to. Be you!" At then end I was actually crying she believed in me. "Once again I'm sorry for not being able to be a role model for little girls and I felt honored to be your role model I love you all
I start crying even more I can't believe it!
My role model wants me to tribute her at the grandest stage of them all.
I know it's been a bit but I wanted to throw something in there to honor Chyna

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