|9| Having CBs Back

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^Third person^
Anna and Ryback lock up, Ryback picks Anna up and throws her to the other side of the ring making her fall out and hit the floor lading on her shoulder, and yells in pain, Charlottes eyes go wide remember that's the one that was injured 3 years ago. "Come on Anna!" Charlotte says, Anna gets up and shakes her arm off and gets back in the ring. Ryback comes up to her "I'm giving you once chance to give me my tittle or I will hurt you" "no chance is hell Ryback if you want this tittle back your gonna have to pry it from my cold dead hands" she says and slaps him.

~skip le match cause I'm lazy~
Ryback bounces Annas head off the stairs but it doesn't affect her, she slams his head off of of the stairs then smiles Becky knows that smile so when Ryback and Anna are back in the ring Becky distracts the ref long enough for Charlotte to get into the ring on her hands and knees so Anna can hit the Poetry In Motion (a/n if you guys don't know that you guys aren't real wwe fans) then Charlotte quickly slides out of the ring back in her spot looking like she didn't move, Anna gets to the top rope and yells "Swan Tomb!" And hits her brothers finisher perfectly and pins Ryback


The ref stops counting when he sees Ryback's hand on the rope and Anna get frustrated then she hears "Anna calm down don't get frustrated" she turns and sees its Ric saying it Anna is surprised by it considering she never really knew Ric, Anna takes a deep breath then gets an idea it seems crazy but she knows she can do it. She grabs Ryback and sets him up for a move Steve Austin taught her a little move called the stunner! She hits it and the crowd cheers as she pins him.


"Ring the bell!" The ref says as 'Similar Creatures' play throughout the arena and Anna cries with tears of joy as Ric, Becky, and Charlotte get into the ring and hugs her as she cries. "You did it Anna!" I hear Charlotte say and hugs me, next was Becky then it was Ric I did know him when my brothers were in the business but not much. All of them raise my hand. I did it I actual did it I have won and retained a men's tittle I am the first women in the PG era to do so and I can't believe it at all. The crowd starts chanting 'You deserve it!' And with that Raw goes off the air

Hey guys I know this is kind of short but this was like a filler then the next chapter will kind of Dean and Anna talking a little and teaming together and stuff Like that

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