|12| Interveiw with Cole

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^Annas pov^
I am currently sitting and waiting for Michael Cole to get here for my interview it's gonna be hard, he's gonna ask about my feud with the Wyatt's which isn't gonna be hard to explain. I'm broken out of my thoughts by Michael Coke "hello there Anna how are you?" He asked and I smile and say "I'm good you?" "I'm doing good so let's get started" I nod and then say "hello guys Michael Cole here with Anna Hardy so Anna you just got back from injury how do you feel" h asked and i sigh "well Cole I wasn't really injured I was actually taking a break due to personally issues as you all know my feud with Bray he says he can save me he would make sure I'm safe" my voice crack a little "so did he mean by that?" Cole asked "he knows my past which isn't very good" I clear my throat and Cole says "what do you mean your the Hardy's little sister how could it be that bad?" "Well when my mom died I had a hard time in school I was getting bullied, then I started homeschooling so I could travel with my brothers and Lita at the time then when I graduated which was around the time Matt injured his knee so I went home to take care of him and I was about 9 or 10 at the time along with helping Matt get better I was also training cause I found out Lita was cheating on Matt so I was gonna learn how to fight then kick her ass when I was training at the gym I met this guy name Adam no not Edge but a different Adam, he helped me with everything train and that stuff, well after about a 2 months he..." I start getting teary eyed "he started to beat me, to this day I'm not sure why I stayed but during the two years I was with him he beat me until one day I was heading back to our apartment well that's when things went too far I don't remember much but I remember waking up in the hospital 4 days later and when I woke up my NXT friends were day along with my brothers and their wives that day I took about a year break to get everything sorted out, and the reason why I was out for four months was cause I ran into him again he was out of jail when he had about 8 months left which would have been long enough to get a restraining order but I was with Dean and Roman when I ran into him again and I ended up back in the hospital with stitches in my head" I whip my tears and Cole hands me a tissue "thank you anyways when I woke up there I saw all my friends including Charlotte and her father Ric but I didn't see Jeff or Matt which really hurt, but what Ric did really surprised me" I sniffle again "why is that?" "He got me my restraining order I needed to keep Adam away from me or good" I cry a little "I'm sorry I look like a mess" I sniffle "it's perfectly fine but why didn't you tell anyone about this?" "Well because of him I have PTSD which can't be triggered by a man hitting me even playfully or yelling at me" I clear my throat "I didn't tell anyone cause he threatened to hurt the people I love my family my friends and I wasn't gonna let them get hurt cause they mean so much to me" I sniffle again "you fight men and women but why do you if you have PTSD cause you've been hit before?" Cole asked "I do it because I originally wanted to do it before it happened my dad knew I wanted too and when he passed I promised myself I wouldn't stop at anything to hold the same tittles as my brothers yes which means I want to be the first women to hold the US title and the WWE world heavyweight tittle and I don't care who I have to go through to get it" I sniffle again god I'm such a cry baby "if you don't mind I would like to ask a few more questions" Cole asked "no go a head ask them" "everyone has seen your tattoos what do they mean?" "Well I have several but one I have on my side that says 'People Judge What They Can't See' it's obvious with that one people do judge biased of what they see for me they see the Hardy's sister they see someone who could of had the perfect life but no one knew about what I've been through until 5 months ago the only people who knew before it were my friends from NXT, Steph, Hunter, and Randy and the only reason he knew is because he was there when my brothers got the call about me needing help" then he says "final question if you could say one thing to anyone who's going through this what would it be?" "It's not your fault, they say they'll never do it again but it's a lie the first time they lay a hand on you get out of it, if it's too late at that point tell someone anyone who can help if you do you won't be where I am right now, you won't have anxiety you won't have depression and you won't have PTSD and lastly not all men are the same and not all women are the same." I say getting up and leaving

Hey guys yes I've updated yay!

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