==> Introduce Alex.

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July 17th, 10:56 a.m.

==> Alex: Try and cool down.

     It is a sickeningly hot July day, and a young, fourteen year-old boy sits in his room practically roasting due to the fact that it's hot as the surface of the almighty sun in here. At least that's what he says to himself. He's got two fans going and both of his windows jammed up as far as they can go in a futile attempt to feel not boiling. It helps, but doesn't eradicate the problem. He doesn't understand how people in the south can just about live in this weather. He's still enjoying his phat beats though, as they flow through his headphones into his sound-stained ears. He gets tired of his own mental complaining quick enough. Alex has been mixing sweet jams for a few hours now, and guesses he should probably take a break before he deafens himself or starves or something.

     Now, what to do next?

==> Alex: Eat like a pig and shimmy o-

     Nope. We don't have time for that unbelievably huge amount of crap, no matter how enticing it is. Actually Alex does, but he's much too impatient. He wants to. So badly. So, so badly. But he won't for the sake of his fragile pride.

==> Alex: Talk to your friends.

     Alright, cool. Alex is cool with this, and wouldn't want to ruin his laptop with his sick moves anyway. He just decides to say something in the group chat and hopes someone answers. Or maybe not, that's cool too.

He opens up the chat, and tries to say something interesting.

AA: hey guys

AA: whats new with you

AA: personally for me its hotter than the face of the almighty sun

AA: I thought we lived in minnesota not freaking texas

KA: I'm at Hobby Lobby


AA: no way


AA: haha sweet


AA: yeah

CA: How long have you been there

     Alex suddenly gets hungry as ever, and as usual, craves Mac and Cheese. The conversation will go without him. He pushes his chair back while simultaneously getting up, being careful not to knock over the old music stand that his laptops been sitting on in front of him, beside his desk on his right. He weaves around his elevated fan to his left, squeezing between his golden-sheeted bed that's even further left. He walks out of his room; it's the only room in the suburban house with a strangely messy desk but clean floor, four blue walls, and a wobbly lamp. It's also the only one in the house with an inhabitant that will soon have their life irrevocably changed on July 17th.

     He watches the macaroni noodles intently as they boil, and continues to watch as they mix with the cheese, milk and butter, and watches still as they sit in the bowl as he waits for them to cool down. God, does Alex love Mac and Cheese. So creamy, so cheesy, so delicious on so many levels. He thinks its cool enough to eat now, and doesn't even care if it isn't, frankly. The wait can't go on forever. The hype is real. Oh god oh god oh god OH MY GOD he under cooked the noodles. Either that or his parents got the whole grain kind again. Alex can't stand either scenario taking place. He doesn't even want to know, and still munches away at his not-as-appealing-as-usual Mac and Cheese. Ugh.

     Once he's done eating and cleaning, Alex goes up to his room to do something with his life on this boring Friday. Maybe he'll draw. Yeah, that seems pretty dope in his eyes. Maybe he could draw... he doesn't know. Well, it's not like that isn't normal. However, when he doesn't know, he just reverts back to drawing people with wings. They're so fun to draw, whether it be them flying or just standing around, the wings are a big part in every drawing, and he can make them whatever shape he wants, too. Any color as well. Red is used pretty frequently. The best part, though, is that it's fast. They're basically a large triangle that has a bend, and it's feathery. Alex's mind wanders to the subject of how wonderful it'd be to have wings. What a concept.

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