==> Introduce Katie.

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July 17th, 10:56 a.m.

==> Katie: Keep scrolling Tumblr.

Wow, the internet sure is nice. She's been on here a while and wants to do something else, but isn't really sure what that 'thing to do' is. Honestly, Katie Haupt isn't too sure why she's on the internet so much. Frankly she isn't sure about most things, but it doesn't get in the way or anything; they're just thoughts, just a few of trillions. However, she still doesn't know what to do yet.

==> Katie: Spin around in a swivel chair and waste all the time in the world.

Unfortunately, there are no swivel chairs in Hobby Lobby. Actually, couldn't you just take a look around..?

Oh no, Katie's Mom is calling her back. She 'doesn't want to lose you!', like she even would. Psh. Katie just follows along, looking at all the unbelievably boring yet interesting things in this decorated warehouse.

Katie's considering talking to her friends, seeing what they're up to.

Maybe not. Hobby Lobby is interesting, that's for sure. She should look around there first and see if she can find anything of interest that her friends won't find boring. The Tumblr app is slow and takes up a lot of data anyways.

Let's see what's in Hobby Lobby: picture frames, more frames, paints? Nah. Folia- OH MY GOD FLOWERS. YES. Now this is what Katie meant by interesting! She whips her phone out of her pocket and prepares to share the majestic flowers. So many colors and sizes! Oh! Huge ones! It reminds her of Alice and Wonderland. What a nice story.

==> Katie: Share all the flowers.

Dang. Alex gets there first.

AA: hey guys

AA: whats new with you

AA: personally for me its hotter than the face of the almighty sun

AA: I thought we lived in minnesota not freaking texas

KA: I'm at Hobby Lobby


AA: no way


AA: haha sweet


AA: yeah

CA: How long have you been there

KA: Not too long

KA: We've been going a lot of places

KA: Just your normal shopping trips

CA: Helka

CA: Wait no

CA: Pretend I said hella

KA: Okay

AJ: Yeah Hobby Lobby's fun

AJ: I've been there a couple times

AJ: Personally it was too big though like so big it freaked me out

AJ: It was kind of like an anxiety attack but instead of being like claustrophobic it was just so big I got anxiety

KA: Oh

CA: Did it happen the first time or like a few other times

AJ: Mostly just the first time

AJ: I was pretty okay the other times but it was still uneasy

KA: Well I guess it's good you're not here then

AJ: Yeah I guess

KA: What are you guys up to?

AJ: Nothing much, just drawing

CA: Same

KA: Cool

KA: What are you guys drawing?

AJ: Some cool winged people

AJ: They're okay but my anatomy is still so off

AJ: I'll send you a picture later so you can look at the sub-par stuff

AJ: Or I'll try and make something better so you don't have to torture your eyes

KA: Sweet

KA: I look forward to it

KA: How's your drawing going Dae?

CA: Pretty okay

CA: Still sucks though

CA: Leaves are hard

KA: Yeah

KA: Well drawing at all hard anyway

KA: I'm almost home and I have to help unload the groceries

KA: So I have to go, talk to you guys later!

AJ: Later

CA: Bye Bye

Katie gets home and helps unload the groceries, even if it makes no sense to her to unload creative supplies. Whatever, she figures it's not even that big of a deal. Her mom goes in to the basement to work on her 'special project' that Katie's not allowed to know about.

After her mom leaves, she goes up to her room and gets out her laptop. Might as well see what's happening on the infinite web.

==> Katie: Look out your window and be alerted.

What she sees outside is the most terrifying thing she's ever laid eyes upon.

Fires, houses burning, and meteors.

She doesn't know what to do next other than sit and watch in horror.

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