==> Introduce Josh.

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July 17th, 10:57 a.m.

==> Josh: Lie on your bed and draw.

Even if he thinks he sucks pretty much 99% of the time, Josh Graff loves to draw. He likes to do a lot of other things. These include writing, hanging out with his friends, playing video games, and just in general trying to be okay. He might text one of his friends to see what they're up to instead of drawing whatever flowery crap this is.

==> Josh: Talk to your close friends in the group chat.

Actually, never mind. They probably won't answer anyways, or just won't care. Josh doesn't like to bother his friends at all, so he normally doesn't initiate chatting first. Okay, maybe he does, but that's because he still trusts his friends and likes to talk to them.

==> Josh: Bark like a dog and jump out the window.

Haha, what? What even was that outrageously weird idea? Who knows. It sounds like tons of fun, but Josh wouldn't want to ruin his sweet new sweatshirt. This thing is so cool. In his opinion, he doesn't really look good in a lot of his stuff, but he still likes the clothes themselves.

==> Josh: Talk to Alex

One of Josh's close friends out of four is named Alex, and he and Alex chat a lot as some cool bros just looking to not be so bored that one of them dies.

AJ: Yo dude, what's up

AA: oh hey man

AA: nothing much

AA: just the usual

AA: its as usual as it gets over here

AA: so usual its like in those movies where theres this ancient dude and he goes into this diner and the waitress just looks at him and brings him his food in like seven seconds flat

AA: anyways whats new with you

AJ: Nothing pretty much

AJ: Just

AJ: The usual

AA: hahaha

AJ: I guess we're some cool bros just looking to not be so bored that one of us dies right

AA: haha you got it

AJ: Well I was drawing something

AJ: It's no good tho

AA: nah man i bet its great

AA: probs better than wings tbh

AJ: Dude wings are awesome, but flowers? They're pretty and all but it just gets old you know

AA: dude you have no idea

AJ: Yeah maybe

AJ: I mean I guess it's still fun in a way

AA: there you go

AJ: Ye

AJ: I think I'm just going to continue drawing

AA: yeah, later dude

AJ: Later

==> Josh: Continue drawing odd-looking flower people.

It sounds like a cool idea to him. It's not like he has anything else to do.

==> Josh: Go upstairs and get something to eat.

He notices that it's about noon now, and that inevitably means lunch. Josh exits his basement/bedroom, and in to the kitchen. What he doesn't know is what's waiting for him. It's a shower of fear, yet determined to crush anything in its path, even if that includes a couple of innocent teens just looking for a sprinkle of thrill.

What they haven't learned is that they should be careful what they wish for.

==> Josh: Notice what's waiting for you out your kitchen window.

He acknowledges what's happening outside, but then decides that his room is a better place to be. Josh runs to his room and starts to panic.

What should he do now that the world is ending?

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