Buried In A Box

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A box to bury a heart
Like a treasure chest
Let the troubled heart rest a while
Buried beneath the sea
Let it beat deep under
Where no one hears it cry
Let it weep secretly
Where waters cover it's tears
Let it mourn in the treasure chest
Where no one hears it's voice.

A box to bury your body
Like a coffin in a grave
Let the wounded figure lay down a while
Buried under the ground
Let it rot down under
Where no one can see it's bruises
Let it turn to dust in privy
Where no one can witness it's scars
Let it leave it's bones alone
Where no one will dig up it's pain.

Let it all be buried in a box
Where we learn life is always without comfort
Where comforting friends become foe
Where crystal rocks turn to black pearls on a strand
Where we learn our troubles
Are ours alone to endure
Where no one knows more
Than they need to know
Where we learn to rest at ease at night
Even when nightmares
Haunt the night.

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