Episode 2: Listen TRICK ! (PART 1)

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(Okay before i start, i really do need you guys support ! I really do need COMMENTS i could care less about the votes but please comment and tell me your thoughts on how you feel about the characters, who if ya favorite and who you dislike and etc... JUST COMMENT i would really appreciate it... love you all. I think i did pretty OK with this chapter. btw im adding ONE MORE GIRL)

10:23am, "GREEN" Room aka Lyric & Bevee room

Lyric: *yawns and looks at clock* Damn, *walks over to Bevee* Get up girl, we about to go get something to eat at the Pancake House.

Bevee: Ight.

They both brushed their teeth, washed their face and took a shower separate. Lyric wore the orange jacket, Bevee wore the pink. ( if you wanna see what any of the outfits look like it's gonna be in the comments) Bevee did her hair, Lyric walked in the kitchen and put her hair in a quick bun and opened the cabinet to eat a little bit in the big bag of chips. They left.

A few mintues later the rest of the girls woke up and Kinah & Tia cooked breakfast- which was eggs, saugages, and grits.

Bre: Do anyone know where Lyric and Bevee are ?

Shuanti: Naah, i think they left tho

Ashanti: What they UGH ! THEY getting on my nerves.

Tia: What they do now ?

Ashanti: Acting like they she shit... And then last night she anit wanna share her damn pop tart !!

Shaunti: WOW !

Pop Up:  

Tia: Now I know Ashanti is my friend but damn bitch . You could have made yo ass a pop tart !  


Lyric and Bevee come back in the house .

Lyric :Sup hoes !

Bre: you dont even wanna know. *points at Ashanti*

Ashanti: dont fucking point at me !

Lyric: why ? Because she putting you on the spot .

Ashanti : shut up lil girl !


*they take thier earrings off*

Ashanti slaps her.

Lyric: OH HELLLLL NAWH ! You gon get it now bitch.

Lyric punches her 2wice in the face, Ashanti pushes her into the wall and hits her head in twice , then Lyric gets fives punches in and pulls her hair , 1 piece of her track came out. Bre comes over and breaks it up.

Bre: yall stop fucking fighting damn.

Tia: shut up hoe. You a fucking 2sided ass bitch ! First you all snitching on Ashanti and then you wanna hang with her like shut the fuck up.

Bre: no I did not , stop hating

Tia : Bitch anit nobody hating on yo extra crusty ass !!

Shaunti: STOP ! Dont talk to her like that .

Tia: you want it too boo ????

Kinah: Tia chill, dont,waste ya time on dem ! Its like 1pm , we havnt even made it through the day and yall fussing !

Bevee: Truu! Haha..

•Phone rings•

Bevee: Hello

???: Hey this DJ WOO, from the club and I wanted to know if yall would like to dance this after noon around 5.

Bevee: yeas !! That would be great. Thanks bye ,!

DJ WOO: bye


Bevee: Ayyyo yall ! DJ WOO just called and said that he want us to be at the club to dance !!

Shaunti: Girl are you fareaal?

Bevee: YAASSSS !!

Tia: Oh hell ya ! About to turn up ! What time ?


Tia: Oh lemme sit my ass down

Bre: Hahaha.. good one !

Tia: *rolls eyes*

Ashanti: okay, i have an announcement to make. I want to apolgize to everyone if did something wrong because i'm actually i nice person. Shaunti i think we started off on the wrong foot. BUT I DO NOT apoligize for Chric and Bevee . Opps i mean Lyric and Bevee. Point blank period.

Shaunti: aww that's very nice of you.


Shaunti: The fuck she think this shit is. I know it's forgive and forget but damn. that weak ass shit. I got my eyes on her. I'ma be blunt cause i don't trust that bitch .


Lyric: wow. anyways, do yall wanna go to the-



OKay yall that was Part 1, of Ep. 2. I really wanted to update for yall. i HOPE it was long....and pleaseeeeee comment how you feel about the girls PLEASE !  lol....

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