Reunion (Part2)

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Heey y'all it's ya girl Tanisha, on Part 2 BGC on this part we are going to bring out all the other girls.

Tanisha: okay girls are we all good now everyone chill

Girls: yeah we good

Tanisha: okay now these girl didn't make it to the end well lyric did and Ari Victoria, Polly, come on out.!!

The girls walk in and Lyric is going around the audience collecting different weaves, money, trash, juice and other craps from people

Lyric: Hey y'all I'm just collecting stuff for the bitch that call me fake Kinah and Tia cuz y'all don't know nothing about me HOES.!! And y'all wanna fight and snatch weave and out when y'all can just go to the hair store and buy it but wait. . . . . . . . I forgot y'all broke as hell.

( Everyone start laughing because she was making a fool out of herself)

Tanisha: okay clam down y'all we just getting started y'all okay have a seat.

Girls: yeah I'm good.!!

Tanisha: So Victoria how was your little time in the house

Victoria: I showed my time in the Bad Girls Club and it isn't a place for everyone, and there are some crazy, fat, slut, Hoees, and more.

Tanisha: Mhm interesting

Victoria: yes gurl and that house was also full of fake ass bi*ches like for real

Ari: i know right girl

Everyone except Bre, Shanti, Asia, Lyric, Polly,and Tanisha: (which is Tia, Bevee, Kinah,) Ari Bi*ch you the main fake one shut yo ass up

(Oh and just so you know everyone is sitting down now)

Ari: I ain't got time for y'all fake oh ugly behinds looking like Horten Hair of Who

Tia: First of all, BEETCH yo ass can't be talking because the top row of your mouth looks like Chuck E. Cheese so shut up and I don't wanna here you call another girl fake because you the one that goes behinds people back and wanna say sorry for shit and wanna be friends bitch, no

Bevee: Girl I ain't even got top to be listening to yo ass go ahead next question Tanisha.

Ari: y'all need help that's all psycho ass

Tia tries to get up and Kinah grabs her arm before she starts swinging and beating Ari up.

Tanisha: Girls calm down, we still got more stuff to figure out

Ari: No you should let the HOEE come fight me since she so big and bad

Tia: Honey, I'm gonna sit down and big the bigger person before they call animals control on me for whooping your ass TWICE and you ain't worth carp so BYE

(The audience starts laughing at Tia comment)

Tanisha: okaay now that's out the way, Every bad girl wants a thug or dare to date one, so let's take a loo at the: Love Relationship status in the house.

( They take a look at the video and all you hear is gasps, laughing, Awwww, and ewwww.)

Tanisha: So Polly and Asia I'm gonna start with y'all hook up fisrt, On a leave 1-10 how was is Asia.?!!

Asia: hahaha I say a 8.5 or 9 it could've last longer or something she said smiling

Polly: hoeee shut up you know it was a straight up ten she said laughing

Asia: you are so crazy but you know yo ass love it too

Tanisha: oh gosh I'm feeling hot in here now what's going on, sounds like she wants another shot, go ahead and get your last kiss on

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