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A circle had formed at lunch time again; the same idiot challenging defenceless people to fight him just because he didn't like a particular aspect of them whether it was their height, weight, clothing style, personality or looks. His name was Craig. Every time he picks on someone who he assumes is lower than him to beat them up, everyone usually gathers round to cheer him on. Messed up right? Yeah, well that's high school. Nobody cares about us anyway.

Anyway, back to reality. Craig and his "friends" decided they would pick a nerd today. They grabbed a kid from my year and dragged him through the crowd and into the circle they created in the centre. The boy was named Marco, I don't socialise with him with except of the odd awkward glance at each another during lunch or in between lessons. However, I know for a fact he does not deserve this. Nobody went to help him as Craig strode closer to him, winking at the crowd before grabbing his shirt, pulling him up and punching him in the nose before dropping him on the floor. Blood trickled down his face and the look in his eyes made a tear roll down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. I stayed inside and watched but I'm just as bad as the circle. I do nothing, just watch. He looked around but spotted me in the window. I quickly wiped the remainder of tears left stained on my cheeks and gave him a reassuring smile. He sighed, turned his gaze at the floor to then receive a kick to the shin. His eyes squinted and I could hear the yells that came from him inside the school.
I walked away.
I took out my phone to see Twitter updates by people in the circle with Marco on the floor, drenched in blood and yelling from agonising pain, Craig stood over him with his middle fingers up and a large smirk on his face. I sighed, put my phone away and headed to the classroom.

Our school was small; there's one class per year, I am in year 11 and in between being half popular and not at all so I've luckily not been targeted by Craig yet but I will be soon, everyone does.
I decided to wander the school till I find something to do, that's when I came across the disabled toilets to be locked, nobody's allowed to go to the toilet during form time.
"Hello?" I walked up to the door to hear crying, "are you okay?" I waited patiently for a reply, it took a long few seconds but a boy's voice replied.
"Go away, please," and then followed by a silence. I waited a few moments but then gave up and left.

I sat in geography class, doodling Disney characters as Miss Live told us our plan for tomorrow. In order for us to pass our first geography controlled assessment, we had to go to this place in the middle of nowhere and measure the length and width of a river, fun. We would be there all day from 9:00 till 3:30 and then go home, exhausted and on the verge of dying due to boredom.
Our school is different. My carer took me out my old school in year 7 to start year 8 in this one because I was 'different' but if anything, this place is not special; it's worse.
I have my one best friend Fráncis, but we're not as close as the stereotypical 'best friends', nobody is. My brother still goes to a normal school, he's allowed, he's not a freak.
I looked up from my phone during the lesson to realise I currently held the centre of attention of a popular boy. I peered at him from the corner of my eye to see his gaze dead on me. I put the thought out my head and decided to just let him enjoy his view. The day was almost over so I could go home to my replacement family who treat me like Cinderella - before she married the fucking prince.
The bell rang so I packed my bag and darted out the classroom to be then called.
"Harley! Harley wait!" I rolled my eyes and heaved myself to turn to look behind me to be faced with my personal stalker. However, now I finally had a proper look at him, he looked quite hot; blonde hair which he styled to look like a Hollister model and huge greeny blue eyes.
"Yes?" I replied, surprised he knew my name and trying to cover up the fact I also just checked him out. He smiled and looked down to his feet, his smile created a dimple in his left cheek and I immediately felt weak.
"Could I get your numb-" he stopped and looked at his girlfriend glaring at him. "Hey Zöella!" I called sarcastically whilst smiling before turning around and continuing my walk home. I hate the populars, especially that ugly bitch.

As I walked out of the school grounds, I pulled my elbow length brown hair into a long straight ponytail which if I admit, I admire greatly alongside my green eyes; Bratz eyes my mum used to call them. Apparently my eyes are considered attractive to the public eye but considering how pale and small I am, in my opinion, it isn't really doing me any favours to improve my face in the slightest.

I arrived home to be greeted to my ass of a replacement dad whom spent his days sat on the sofa in his sweat pants and manly vest top, one hand clutching a Budweiser and another with the remote - football never came off.
"The mule in the field nearby called, he wants his hygiene back." I told him, walking towards my bedroom as a form of escapism.
"Funny you, why don't you say something clever like that right here in front of me and we'll see who's laughing then ay," returned the man I got told to call father. I ignored his 'funny' remark to instead glide into bed and fall asleep to the heavy metal from my iPod.
Another day in paradise.

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