Chapter 1 - School trip Harley pov

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"Has everyone got a packed lunch of some sort?" The teacher called to which everyone moaned in reply yes. She nodded, sat down and thus we began our journey to God knows where.
Fráncis who currently sat next to me, shoved his headphone in my ear and placed his bag of harribos in between us and since neither of us liked the yellow gummy bears, we decided to toss them at Zöella, Beth and Amy - the populars. Beth, after having a gummy bear thrown into her eye stood up and stormed down the isle to where we both sat.
"Aw, you got nothing better to do than throw sweets and hope to make friends? Pathetic," she pitied us, looking over to her friends after she said it and everyone joined in with her to laugh. Fráncis stood up.
"No. I just thought a few sweets would really make an improvement to that face of yours, luckily they could stick to you seen as you've clearly plastered enough foundation on, sexy look you've got going on," And he smiled at her, the look on her face was priceless so instead she gave a disgusted look and walked back to her seat, making sure her ass swayed enough to get the guys staring at her still. After she sat, her friends then reassured her by them reminding her of how gorgeous and beautiful she was.
God I hate them.
Fráncis then leaned in towards me and whispered, "I got your back babe," into my ear before kissing my cheek and handing my headphone back which must have fallen out earlier. We smirked at each other and spent the rest of the journey playing the air guitar to Linkin Park.

As we arrived along the hilly roads, the rain set in. Fráncis took his earphone out from his ear and leaned over me to look out the window, scowling as he did. I took mine out, handed it to him and got my phone out to see a text from a random number.
"Hey x," it said. I looked around the bus to see if anyone was looking at me or texting; nobody. I glanced behind me over the seats to confirm it really was just a stranger when I noticed a familiar face sat on the back row in the middle and staring dead at me, Drew, the hot one from class yesterday... The one with a girlfriend. I blushed before looking back down at my phone.
"Who sent you that?" Asked Fráncis, stealing my phone off me to get a good look at the text.
"Drew I think, how did he get my number?" I locked my phone and looked at Fráncis feeling awkward. There was a long awkward pause between us.
"I may have accidentally given it to him," he replied. Winking cheekily as he did. I glared at him but dismissed him anyway and turned around to see Drew arguing with Zöella and so decided to text him back, "hello."
I listened closely to hear a ping before glancing at him from over the chair again. He looked down as his phone and grinned but turned it at an angle which Zöella couldn't see. My phone vibrated which grabbed the attention of Fráncis immediately.
"Is that Drew again?" He asked whilst smirking but didn't wait for a reply and placed his headphones back in.
"Sorry, I asked Fráncis for your number, Zo doesn't like me talking or texting girls so I've saved your name as Brian until I remember your number off by heart, lol." The text read, I smirked to myself, who even uses the word 'lol' anymore?
"Okay." I replied.

The coach stopped and the teacher patrolled up and down whilst stating the rules:
•No drowning yourself
•No drowning others
•No feeding the wildlife
•No running away
•No smoking
•No drugs
•No sex
I think I was the only girl on the bus who didn't giggle to their friends at that last one. I looked at Fráncis who's face remained blank but looked at me, pulled a fake smile and then headed for the bus exit to begin our day of fun.

The teacher left us for a toilet break so my group decided to mess around. Unfortunately for me, my group consisted of Craig, Marco. Zöella, Dan and Fráncis; probably the worst combination ever created.
"Hi fat ass," said Craig, swaggering up to Marco like he owned the place.
"Go do something productive with your time," replied Marco, "like screw Zöe behind a tree." He finished, smirking at his remark. Fráncis and I burst out laughing making Marco smile to himself, pleased of his insult. Craig looked gobsmacked and so glanced at his Dan for help who ignored it and held Zöe's hand tightly as if claiming her as his own. I glanced over to Drew who resided in another group but had noticed the hand holding and ignored it, he then glanced at me but then back down at the ground. A girl walked over to Drew and started talking to him, she looked concerned but Drew just smiled and probably pretended to be okay. She wasn't stupid though, she looked towards Zöella, back at him then stormed over here.
"Who the fuck do you think you are? Queen of the sluts?" She asked, making both Fráncis and I burst out laughing again.
"Who even are you? I don't socialise with ugly, petty, childish freaks." Said Zöella, faking a laugh after she finished. The girl didn't seem bothered in the slightest but just raised and eyebrow.
"I think you'll find I'm Mais Turner, daughter of our Secretary of Defence and proud owner of a multi million dollar house. So, what did you say I am, ugly and petty?" I think she left the who class in a stunned silence so to break the ice, I applauded.
"Ladies and gentleman, for the first time in a couple of months, we have somebody with big enough balls to stand up to the school slag!" I preached. She grinned at me but then received a slap Zöe which soon became a fight involving the whole group; me, Mais, Fráncis, Marco and Drew vs Zöella, Craig, Dan, Beth and Amy who had both run to defend their queen. This just so happened to be the first physical fight involving blood during school for me. Then it all ended.
"What is going on! Split up immediately! Miss Live screamed from a few metres away, sprinting in her pink heels over to the huddle. As she yanked Mais off Zöella, the whole 10 of us got an after school detention for the next week and my side of the fight got the blame as well as isolation for a week also.
It started to hail and get dark so Miss Live took us back to the bus. Apparently there was a lightening storm heading our way so we all had to run the 5 mile trek back to the bus. As we approached the top of the final hill in which the bus were parked at the bottom of, me and the other four who had to sit at the front for 'causing great pain towards innocent people for a stupid reason,' started to run down the hill. None of us noticed our teacher screaming our names or the class being warned and told not to go on the bus as we swiftly approached it, or even the driver running from it as we clambered on board. As me, Mais, Marco, Fráncis and Drew found our seats but still stood in the isle, a bolt of lightening hit down on our bus, creating a spark of light, too bright to ever have our eyes open. I couldn't see a thing so I gripped Marco and Mais' arms tightly and we all screamed. My skin burned, it felt like I were drowning in an acid chamber. Thousands of bolts sizzled through the five of us.
Then there was darkness.

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