Chapter 2 - The Voices Harley pov

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The light blurred before my eyes. It wasn't a bright like alike from the bus, but a yellow, dim and flickering above me. My eyes opened fully to reveal a square light green room with teal green tiles on the floor. I were alone and led on a hospital like bed but wearing a weird blue and white patterned dress thing which felt like a plastic table covering. I slowly sat up and inspected the room round me more closely. There was no other furnishings around except the bed.
I lent over and gently placed my bare feet on the floor which immediately begun shaking but before I realise this, I stupidly put all my weight onto them and attempted to stand up which ended with fall flat on my face.
I crawled towards the door on my hands and knees before realising it was locked from the outside.
"Shit," I mumbled under my breath, so instead I decided that it would be better if I got back into bed and decided to still be unconscious.
The lift from the ground to the bed was probably one of the hardest thing I've done seen as most of my muscles had shut down. However, after a good constant 5 minutes of lifting myself up, I finally got myself back in and as soon as my eyes were shut, the door beeped and flung open.
"She's only 16, you can't seriously be considering that?" The first person said whilst walking into the room. It was a male and his voice sounded defensive so I suspected he were nice.
"What else is there to do?" Another replied, also male. But this one's voice were flat, unemotional and stern, he sounded a lot older than the first too.
"Well, we could make sure they are well enough to leave and let them go whilst paying close attention to their actions in the future?"
"What if she dies in there? It's been 17 days James, do you really think she's gonna survive?"
"Yes. If all 5 of them survived a lighting strike for more than a week, they are incredibly strong. Look, Gary, they're 15 and 16, just kids remember! Just have patients."
There was a silence for a good half a minute before somebody left the room. The last one remaining however continued to walk in circles around my hospital bed.
"I don't know what you are or what abilities you possess, but please wake up soon, we need to talk to you," spoke the nicer one. I didn't trust his voice however so I kept quiet and waited for him to leave which was another 5 minutes before he slowly walked out, leaving me alone.
I leant up, examined the room again - empty. I placed my feet back onto the cold tiles before slowly releasing my weight onto my legs. This time however, I didn't fall over and so I hobbled towards the half glass half metal door and peered out the window but hid my body behind the metal part of it. In front of me was a long, narrow, pale yellow corridor with a fully metal door at the end of it.
"Why am I locked up? Did I do something wrong? Why are they treating me like a freak?" I thought to myself. I needed to get out and fast so I decided to sit back on my bed and instead wait for someone.
There was no clock on the walls within my room/jail cell but it felt like a good 10 hour wait before a noise even emerged from outside. Suddenly, a man with long, ear length, brown hair, a stubble beard with a moustache and square glasses burst through the door and almost dropped his clipboard when he noticed me.
"You're alive!" He half whispered, his eyes widened, he had the voice of the nicer guy from earlier.
"Well, I don't think I died in the first place so I don't know what the fuss is about. Where am I?" I spoke in a cocky tone.
"Well, no, you didn't die, I guess, umm, well I can't tell you you're location at the moment," he stuttered, then sat at the end of my bed which if I'm honest, freaked me out a little bit, "what did you do on that bus, Harley." He looked slightly scared but confident at the same time and stared into my eyes.
"What are you talking about?" I frowned at him. I thought back to my last memory of getting to the bus but then blanking out.
"You don't remember anything at all?" He asked, sounding astonished and very over dramatic. I shook my head then glanced around the room to seem as if I didn't care, you know, because I'm a teenager.
"I knew she was lying about remembering the incident," I heard him say without his mouth moving a muscle. My eyes widened but I said nothing, "who is Fráncis?" He physically asked and his lips moving. I couldn't help but continue to stare at him with a blank look on my face, my words of reply stuck in my throat, "are you okay?" He asked again, his face looking a mixture of concern but determination, "I should get Gary to investigate her," he said again without his lips moving. I leaped out the bed and ran to the metal door, covering my ears.
"STOP IT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD! HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?" I screamed at him whilst furiously trying to unlock the door. After failing constantly, I instead sunk to the floor with my hands still on my ears and yelled as long as I could. Before I knew it, numerous amounts of men burst through the door and pinned me down to stick a needle in my neck. Voices inside my head overwhelmed me, all I heard was, "what the fuck?" "Why's she freaking out" "freak" "she needs help, Jesus Christ."
The man I had been talking to looked terrified, leaning against the wall opposite me with his hand on his heart and kneeling down. A tear rolled down my cheek before my vision completely faded and everything returned to black.

I woke up to be back in my uncomfortable excuse for a bed in the same dull room I last awoke in. I attempted to reach my hand into the air to pull myself up but to have been handcuffed to my bed. I groaned loudly and slammed my head back down. Mums going to kill me if I've been arrested. What for anyway? Disturbing one guy in a soundproof room by screaming? I couldn't even warm myself up as both my hands were in chains. All I could do now was sleep or watch the ugly green wallpaper slowly peel off.

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