Afraid Of.
it was once,
when someone asked me,
"what is the thing you're most afraid of?"
what is the thing im most afraid of?
countless things crossed my mind, then.
fuming lavas, venomous snakes,
maddening heights, even playful clowns.
imagine if there was water all around you, and you started drowing in it?
i shuddered, as i imagined all of it.
indescribable feelings bloomed inside of me, as i felt all of it.
but there was one thing that was the most frightening of all.
the one thing that was the most sickening of all.
"the hell is empty because all the demons are here."
was the truest thing i heard someone say.
indeed, for me,
humans are the scariest things to ever exist on planet earth.
sick people, with demonic minds,
seem to exist everywhere.
humans exist everywhere.
but innocent people, with pure, genuine minds,
seem to exist nowhere.
humanity exists nowhere.
we lost ourselves far back.
we are losing ourselves too fast.
im afraid of the day i'll become like them,
when I'll lose myself like them,
when I'll destroy myself like them,
when the humanity in me will fade away
like it did in them.
i dont want to be like them.
who are we to save someone,
when we are the ones who need to be saved?
who are we to save someone,
when we are the ones who deserve to be destroyed?

Poésiea satisfying collection of quotes and short poems by me. words. they change lives. status : ongoing