Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Helloooo(: Hope you all enjoyed the last chapter and that you will enjoy this chapter too!

So what do you all think about Hunter?! Leave some comments on feedback please! I need to know! How can I make this story good if there isn’t anybody telling me to improve, or keep it the same, and give feedback?Some writers may not get feedback and still have good books, buts that’s just not how I roll.

So pleeeeaaaaaaase leave votes if you like it and comment about it and leave feed back! Okay? Okay great!

So as always 8 reads 1 fan for the next chapter!




Summer’s P.O.V


Well things just got really awkward. My soon to be boyfriend's best friend is my ex, and they both just left me here stranded in the middle of my living room. Weird. I feel like there was something else that i have to do today? Something that’s really important.  Oh well, better get cracking at doing this hell hole job.


Hahaha that’s right I have to be at the smoothie bar in about 5 minutes. Ha.


Oh, shit. I better not be late on my first day. That would not be good Summer. Not good at all. I grabbed the keys to my rental car and sped off to the smoothie bar at the shopping center.

And What do ya know?! I made it on time! SCORE.

“Hello you must be Summer!” A tall guy, mid twenties, with blonde hair asked me.  I’m guessing that was Walter?

“Yes, indeedy I am! You must be Walter?”

“Indeed, I am! Ready to get started with your training?”

“What a very silly thing to ask! Of course I am!”

“ Well, alright come follow me.”

Walter showed me to back where the freezer was and said how that was where they kept all the fruits and whatnot for when we run out when making the smoothies. Next he showed me how to use the smoothie machine and how much of a fruit to put in. The apples, oranges and the other big fruits needed to be cut up into smaller pieces and put into their food basket. So that was my first task. Cutting up two pinnapples, four apples and 10 mangos. The mango smoothies are the most liked at this store.

Walter came to check up on me about 10 minutes later, when I was finishing up the last mango.

“Summer, these cut are fabulous!”

“Thanks, I used to cut up fruit and other vegetables for a resturant in New York. Well I still do but I don’t work during the summer.”

“So you were like a salad maker?”


“Nice. You even got them in the baskets.”


“Normally I would have waited till the very end when I was done everything but, your way works too.”

“Just seemed smart to do it that way.” I said with a softer voice.

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