"Just go and kick some ass."

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(Blaire POV)

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I sprang out of bed, my heart thumping loudly as I got up out of my covers to stop the annoying alarm going off. I reached my hand over, missed the table completely and instead knocked the clock off of the nightstand, making the alarm blare out even louder.

"Shit, shit, shit." I muttered, practically jumping out of bed as stealthily as I could. I flipped over piles of clothes on my floor, crawled to the alarm clock and yanked the cord out of the wall.

I stopped breathing and checked for any noises, to see if my mother was awake. I shut my eyes and remembered to never use an alarm clock ever again. My phone was fine. After a few seconds I decided it was safe enough to move around again and searched for my pre-packed bag of clothes and makeup. After making another ruckus I finally found the bag and tiptoed out of my room, grabbing my phone and charger on the way out.

I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen to scrawl out a note.

Morning mom! Left early to walk to school with the girls. Love ya, see you later! -Blaire

I looked over the note and hoped she wouldn't see the shakiness in my hand.

I quietly placed the pen down and made my way to the door, trying my hardest to ignore the pounding in my chest and my stomach doing cartwheels. I opened the door slowly, so I wouldn't wake anybody up, especially my dog Hunter, God only knew how loud he could howl at the crack of dawn, locked the door and walked down the driveway praying she hadn't woken up yet. I speed walked down the street, my bag thumping rythmatically against my leg. As soon as I reached the end of the street I saw my best friend Kristen's pink jeep parked on the corner. I chuckled, amazed I was doing this and ran over.

I opened the passenger door and jumped in. We looked at each other for a few seconds before we started ballistally screaming. I laughed harder than I've ever laughed and hit her shoulder.

"GO! Before my mom sees!"

"Okay, okay!!" She laughed and stomped on the accelerator, zooming fast to Kenize and Eva's place.

"The girls are already there, getting dressed. If you want to make it in time we need to leave in...oh..." She glanced at the clock and shrugged. "Twenty minutes?"

I nodded, and glanced in the rearview mirror, trying to ignore my shaky hands. What if I get caught? I don't do this. I never do this. Oh my God my parents are gonna kill me.

"Blaire, you're gonna be fine." She said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I wasn't so sure.

After a 4 minute drive exactly, we pulled in.

"Lets go!"

We ran into the apartment and barged through the door to a truly interesting sight.

Eva and Kenzie were rolling around on the ground pulling at each others hair, and Eva was giggling uncontrollably as they both fought each other off.

I sighed. "You get Kenzie, I'll get Eva?"

Kristen shrugged. "Sounds like a plan."

I bent down and started poking and tickling Eva's stomach, making her instantly lose control, let go of Kenzie and focus on getting my hands off of her instead. Kristen helped Kenzie off the floor and gave her a questioning look.

"She tried to take my pizza." Kenzie simply stated, shrugging and walking to the kitchen counter where a cold piece of half eaten pizza lay.

"It's 5:45...in the morning." I reminded them both but I knew time wouldn't matter. When the girls were hungry, they were hungry.

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