"I'm always too late!"

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(Blaire POV)

I shut my eyes as tight as I could and opened them, letting them flutter softly to get used to the random bright lights that occasionally passed by. Other than those lights, it was almost pitch black, with dozens of dark silhouettes weaving in and around the other silhouettes. They were whispering harshly to one another and waving frantically, in an obvious rush to get things done quickly before the next cue.

I stood quietly next to the velvet blue curtains next to either side of me and figeted anxiously with my outfit. My hands shook quickly as I began to bite my fingernails, no longer caring if the paint chipped. My stomach was in knots and my legs felt numb. My breathing was shallow and I shut my eyes again, praying to focus.

I tried hard to think about how much was at stake for this audition. My mother's scolding voice was echoing in my head, and I suddenly had a strong desire to prove her wrong. She had told me countless times that signing would never be a career. That I wasn't even good.

Fury began to replace my anxiousness and I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding in.

God, I wish I didn't have to do this alone. Without Kristen, Kenzie or Eva by my side, I felt naked. I felt vulnerable. Even Calum, Micheal, Luke, and Ashton would make me feel better right now.

Where were they anyways?

I cleared my throat and began to sing some basic scales. Listening to my own voice gave me reassurance that I'd be okay. Just sing the song like I'd been practicing in front of my mirror for...God knows how long.

I thought about the blonde boy that I'd been singing with about an hour ago. He looked so familiar. He sounded so...perfect. I smiled, remembering his enthusiasm to find me a guitar and his laughter that would erupt from him for no reason at all. Nerves settled again into me, but not for the audition...for him. What was his name? Would I ever see him again?

Suddenly I was pulled from my thoughts when a woman, almost 6 feet in the heels she was wearing tapped my shoulder. I whirled around and looked to her.

She smiled sweetly and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"You're up."


(Kristen POV)

After Blaire had been ushered backstage, Kenzie, Eva, and I were guided to a room with a flat screen TV that had a view of the stage, the judges, and the audience. Here we could watch Blaire and cheer her on.

We were her first fan club.

We all stood in silence, not really knowing what to say. My phone buzzed in my back pocket a few times and I quickly checked the caller ID. Micheal. I pressed 'answer' and held the phone to my ear.

"Hey Mikey." I said.

"Hey Kris. Where are you all?"

"In some room to watch Blaire audition. Why?"

I could hear him hesitate as he pondered what to say next.


"Are you gonna be busy later today?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. I opened my mouth to speak but Kenzie waved her hand in front of me and pointed to a neon green sign above the door.


I groaned.

"Its completely understandable if you are busy, it is late notice, it's just that-"

"Mikey, it's fine! I'm free, I'll call when I can." I laughed and hung up quickly. Just as I was going to put my phone away, the guy that was auditioning before Blaire began walking offstage, after receiving a no from the judges.

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