"Goodluck! You're gonna need it."

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(Blaire POV)

"What do you mean you don't have the tickets?" 

"I gave them to Eva!" 

"That was two weeks ago! Kenzie should have them!" 

"Hey don't put this on me! I never held those tickets!" 

"Did they drop out of the bags when we got them?" 

"I think we would've noticed! 

"Uhm ladies?" The ticket master waved his hand in front of us. 


He pointed down to Kristen's back pocket and she looked over. Sure enough, there were 4 plane tickets to Doncaster.  

"Oh...whoops." Kristen sheepishly grinned and handed the man the tickets. He rudely teared off the stub and shoved them back to us, impatient for us to leave.  

"Nice one Kris." Kenzie coughed under her breath and Kristen shoved her off, laughing as she did it. 

"Okay so where do we go now?" I asked, anxious to get on the flight. 

"Over there I think...terminal 16...yep right over there." Eva pointed, checking her ticket. 

We all walked over quickly but slowed down just as quick.  

The line to the flight to Doncaster wasn't even a line. It was more like a mob, trying to pile in the small door. There was no way we'd make this flight. Almost every single person there were either off in their own world, doing scales or rehearsing with their band. 

"Wow. Are they all...going? But its Tuesday! Who goes to England on a Tuesday?!" Kenzie exclaimed throwing her hands in the air. 

"The same kind of people who skip school to go and audition for the X Factor. The same kind of people like me." I said pathetically, practically bidding my lifelong singing dream goodbye.  

"No! There's gotta be a way!" Eva stomped. She stood on her toes and started jumping around trying to get a better view.  

"Just stop Eva. Its hopeless and-" But suddenly an unfamiliar voice cut me off. 

"Damn right its hopeless. Even if you did make it, you'd never be good enough to beat me."  

We all turned to stare at a tall slinky blonde chick, painted pink nails, Miss Me jeans, cowboy boots and a flowy white tee. Her hair was perfectly straight and it was obvious that she had gone overboard with makeup. Kristen and I shared a look. We'd know that accent anywhere. She was defiantly from Texas. 

"Really bitch?" Kenzie scoffed and Eva hit her arm. 

"Really. So anyways, just thought you should go on and head home, before you humiliate yourself either trying to get on this plane or trying to impress the judges." She smirked at me and my anger began to build. 

"You know what you whore?" Kristen said, her voice rising as she stepped towards her, but Eva stopped her mid step.  

Blondie laughed. I was about to say something and maybe even do something until I felt my phone ringing. I grabbed it and took a look. Micheal? 

"Hello?" I asked cautiously. 

"Turn around!"  

I turned, confused and didn't see anyone. The girls gave me a look and I could feel Blondie's eyes burning into my back. 

"Where?" I asked. 

"Towards the door." 

I looked over, close to where people where slowly entering and sure enough I saw Micheal, Calum, Luke and Ashton jumping and waving their hands around. I laughed aloud and got the girls attention and pointed. They all laughed and started running towards the boys, Eva in the lead. I was surprised Kenzie didn't say anything to Blondie but before I turned around, she didn't disappoint. She lifted her hand up and flicked her off, laughing loud. I smiled brightly and turned to Blondie. 

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