"You play the guitar?"

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(Eva POV)

After a few minutes in the air, I dozed off on Ashton's shoulder and he woke me as we landed. He pecked my forehead and brushed the hair off my face.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He murmured making my heart skip a few beats.

"Hi handsome." I replied groggily. I stretched up and unbuckled my seat belt. "What time is it?"

He checked his phone. "Uhm...7:40."

"WHAT?" I yelped alarming Ashton and everyone else on the plane.

"Babe what's the ma-" He began but he couldn't finish since I wasn't paying attention. I was already up getting my bag and making my way off the plane and quick with the other girls. Blaire looked frantic and I could tell she was shaking. Kenzie and Kristen were rushing out of the plane, pushing other passengers out of the way and it was obvious they were all aware of the late time way before I was.

As I made my way out the door I realized I completely left Ash without explaining what was going on. I turned and opened my mouth to call his name when I saw something that made me sick to my stomach.

Blondie was talking to my boyfriend with her stupid hands all over his chest. She laughed obnoxiously and flipped her hair over her shoulder. Then she giggled and walked away, waving and defiantly giving him a wink. I rolled my eyes and stormed off the plane, hurt that Ashton gave her the time of day. I stood waiting for him to get off but Kenzie, Kristen and Blaire were all waving for me to follow them quick. I sighed and ran over.

"What's wrong with you?" Kenzie asked, noticing my glum mood, stopping in her tracks and furrowing her eyebrows.

"Nothing. Just leave it okay?" I shrugged and saw that all the girls were looking at me in worry.

"It's fine, let's just go! We're gonna miss the auditions!" They all nodded in agreement hesitantly as we ran off, Kristen calling a cab. We ran to a near curb and waited in the sun, giggling at the British accents we heard everywhere. Finally the cab arrived and we jumped in, telling the driver our destination and speeding off.

"Hey, did anyone tell the guys we're leaving?" Kristen suddenly piped up.

We all looked at her wide eyed and our mouths hanging open.

"Shit." Blaire whispered and Kenzie pulled out her phone, pressed a few buttons and put it to her ear.

"Hey Luke." Kenzie greeted and we could hear Luke's frantic yelling over the phone.

"Calm down! We just called a cab to take us there and we forgot that we had some other people with us..." She explained, picking at her nail polish. "Get a hotel room and wait for us okay? We'll be there in a few hours." We all winced at Luke's screaming through the phone. It sounded like he was upset.

"Yes love, a few hours, you boys will be fine. Uh huh. I'll text you. Okay. I miss you too Luke." She smiled and we all shook our heads. Why won't they date already?! "Alright I'll tell her. Yes her too. Uh huh. Okay bye." She finally said and hung up. She turned to Kristen and Blaire.

"Micheal and Calum wanted me to give you their love and hugs and all the boys wished you good luck."

They both smiled and Kenzie turned to me.

"And Ash says he loves you."

I blushed and looked down, my heart racing frantically.


(Kenzie POV)

Once the cab stopped we hopped out, and ran to the entrance, ready to get in the longest line we've ever been in. We showed our passes to the man up front, made our way through different singers and cameras to the end of a line with a sign that said "Audition Rooms this way."

Blaire saw that the line wasn't moving at all so she sat down and we all followed suit.

I quickly checked my phone and saw 17 missed text messages and 3 missed calls from Luke. I laughed to myself and checked the messages. Picture after picture of him holding sign saying "I MISS YOU." My heart began beating faster and I tried unsuccessfully to hide a blush creeping on to my cheeks.

"Where's your guitar Blaire?" Kris suddenly piped up, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Micheal is bringing it. He said he'll meet me up front."

"How's he gonna get past all this security?" Eva questioned.

Blaire shrugged. "I guess we'll see."

"You play the guitar?"

We all turned behind us in the line to see a blonde guy in an oversized tank, jeans, high tops, sunglasses and an unmistakable, defiantly not British accent.


So tell me...was this okay?(: Love yoouu guuyys (:

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