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" it felt like I was walking on fire "


Mr. Tipton : Your late again get to register 2 chop chop

Tina : Okay will do sorry about being late

Mr. Tipton : Okay Ms. Lablonc don't let it happen again

Tina : Hey welcome to Pets-Mart how can I help you

Customer: Yes just seeing if someone will get a fish for my son ?

Tina : Yes give one second sir

Customer : No problem

Tina : Okay what fishy you want you look to old to want a fish

Customer : He wanted the big one at the top ... ma'am you are truly remarkable and beautiful

Tina : Thank you and This one ?

Customer : Yes and can I take you out My name is Chris

Tina : Sir you barely know me is that all you wanted ?

Chris : Well let's make a deal I'll give my number maybe we can do lunch sometime ?

Tina : Okay

Chris : Deal ?

Tina : Yes sure !

Chris : My number is 404- 585-7974

Tina : Okay I will call you

Chris : Now don't take my number down and not call

Tina : I promise I will !

Mr. Tipton : Tina clean up in the dog hotel !

Tina : Have to go ! I'll see you later

Unbreakable (Urban Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now