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Michelle : Tina you okay ?

Tina : Yes just need to be with my husband... close up today Chelle

Michelle : Okay you be safe

* Tina and Chris house *
* Kendrick pulls up *

Tina : Why the hell are you at my house

Kendrick : Tell you little husband come outside I got a couple of words for him

Tina : Your crazy to think my husband has time for you.. Like I said before I spend a night in jail leave my property now

Kendrick : Bitch you need to bring his ass outside !

Chris : TINA get inside now

Kendrick : Listen to your master dog !

Tina : No you go in the house I have this GO NOW

Chris : baby I have this get in the house

Chris : My lady said leave our house you need to get to stepping !

Kendrick : And what you going to do

Chris : Kendrick you know what nothing you shouldn't want your kids seeing you like this that should an ass kicking in it self

Kendrick : * slaps Chris * You don't know what the hell you talking

Tina : Chris get in the house I'll call the police

Chris : *punches and lays out Kendrick * Now I'm going in the house and you can call the police

Unbreakable (Urban Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now