Pics pics pics.

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"Hi Riker!" I give him a hug, we promised to meet at the this park nearby which was called grand park. It was downtown and it had some sitting places, some shopping areas and a couple of other things like hotels, restaurants, ect and a nice walk through, green forest park area of corse. Riker wanted to surprise me with a romantic picnic, which was so cute! Wow all the lynch boys know how to make a girl feel happy. "Wow, what is all this?" Riker had a blanket laid out understand this tree. He had some little finger sandwiches, some lemonade, Fruit and other little mini snacks. Everything seemed perfect "yeah it's really nothing, I may have some few tricks up my sleeve. Well ok I lied rydel sort of helped me out" I sit down beside him trying not to flip my skirt up. I was wearing a black strapless shirt with a nice black and white striped skirt. it was short but I had some shorts under it just in case a gust of wind would come.

"I wish I would of known so I could of  brought something" I look at all the amazing food around us. "Well that was the point of the surprise part of all this, so you wouldn't have to bring something" Riker was the sweetest boy I kmew besides ross. He did all this for me! I felt so privileged but then again I felt bad because he went all out for me. "I hope you like this, I wanted it to be special. Now let's dig in!" Riker pulls out some plates and we start to pile stuff onto them.



I'm scrolling threw Instagram and I'm just looking at my old photos with Adeline, we use to take a lot of photos. We still do but at first they were kind of secretive and we were hiding it from the public but soon enough the fans caught on and everyone knew we were an item. Even the magazines had little articles about us so now we just post regular pics of us hanging out.
Some pics were really cheesy and my comments were kind lame but cute.

Like this one for example, I can't believe I even said this "roses are red, violets are blue, sometimes I just gotta say I love you" and it had a nice pic of me and Adeline kissing in the sunset. But the sunset was so bright you couldn't see are faces so people got curious and suspicious. They started to suspect that I was dating someone, then one day I just didn't want to hide it anymore because they all kind of figured it out by them selfs.

I love looking back on our memories we shared, it's just for some reason I feel like me and Adeline aren't that close anymore and I'm losing her. I have to stay positive though just then I get some comments in my feed

@beauty-licious22 ross your girlfriend is so purdy!! Someday I wish I could meet her and be like her. Cutest couple ever! k everyone needs to chill Adeline is life. ross is life. Together they are like two peas in a pod.

Some fans comments made me laugh, there so sweet and I loved reading them.

When I scroll through some pics of me and Adeline or edits that fans have made it just makes me realize I'm a very lucky guy to have her in my life and i think that if Adeline left I wouldn't get over her. I wouldn't find another girl like her. Look at me, were still together and I'm here looking at pics of me and her from like two days ago. I am such a soft guy with a big heart.

But Adeline loved that about me, she loved that I was a sweetheart and I loved that about my self too! Haha.

I come across something In my feed though that kind of made me stop and open my eyes. This couldn't actually be happening and I didn't know what to think about it.
My girlfriend laying under a tree, on a nice picnic with my brother!! Wtf? "RIKER!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He couldn't hear me because he wasn't in the house and he was too busy with my girl! But man was I pissed, at both of them!! How come they didn't tell me they were going to hang out together today, they don't even know each other? God, this can't be happening, it must be fake maybe a edit of some sort.

It wasn't fake though because Riker uploaded it a minute ago, I can't believe I had to find out about all this over a dumb pic posted by my bother not even three minute ago. I hate finding out stuff the hard way, when he gets home he is going to get it! Or why doesn't he just get a little taste of his own medicine now, why don't they both! I take my cell out, dial riker's number and of corse no answer. I can just image what there doing together right now.

He probably feeding her choclote cover strawberries that he made late last night. I was wondering why he was making those so late, oh and my cologe!!! That's why he borrowed it ugh! I swear I love him but hate him, it's complicated we have one of those love hate relationships.

Right now though I really despise him.

I just sit there looking at the picture picking out all the details, she looked so happy with him. Why did they have to hide it from me? It's not like I would be mad at them but now they haven't told me and I'm really mad! I swear if Riker try's to steal my girlfriend I will never talk to him again.

(He's my bother of corse I'll talk to him Again... eventually) but I can be pretty good at keeping the silent treatment My records is four and half days. I hate how my jealousy always kicks in, then I thought of a brilliant idea. Why don't I just stalk Riker and Adeline at the park! That way I can keep my eye on there every move and I can for butt grabbing and cat calling. Well I'm sure my brother wouldn't cat call but other people might. It's weird, but I just want to make sure that Adeline is safe and not hanging around with my brother because she likes him, Wow I'm over protective. It's not like they can catch me, I'll be extra sneaky, they won't even know I'm there.

Even if they do find out i'm there, I'll just make up a lie of some sort and say I had no idea they were here. Really, a couple of minutes ago I HAD NO IDEA they were hanging out so that way I can bust them! Now if only I knew which park they were at and which area?

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