20 1 0

Soon after despite Feixiao and Xuey attemps they couldn't stop Hoolay still not

Feixiao: That bitch!
Hoolay: i tought you could handle everything Feixiao well then see me at the Wardance even if you would warned the Xianzhou of my arrival it would be still too late
Feixiao: we are going to stop you
Feixiao was barely standing and losing her motivation, her body was full of scars
Hoolay: see you later Feixiao
Hoolay leaved the Shackling prison and managed to escape, while Feixiao being defeated lost herself into an abyss of pain and tragedy of what could happen because of her fault

At the Wardance

March 7th: Master Yunli

Right after the express leaved from Penacony, March 7th still felt like something was missing for her, Dan heng and Stelle got their new forms but it still didn't complete the trio

Yunli: March 7th are you ready? You know you are going to replace Yanqinq right
March 7th: of course i know it i am ready to face anything if that was why did accepted this

Accepted it right March 7th accepted this because she wanted to be like everybody strong and smart, but she already had them

Yunli: well then follow me
March 7th: don't worry I promise you i am gonna be famous even more than Yanqinq
Yunli: i doubt that
March 7th: hey! i heard you

At the same time
Yanqinq: so where are going?
Dan heng: first of all we need to elaborate a plan so
Jingliu: i know what to do but we need to stop Hoolay
Blade: is he really a problem?
Jingliu: yes he is so
Jingliu was insicure of what she was about to say but knowed that he could be able to handle him
Jingliu: Yanqinq is going to defeat him

By hearing those words Dan heng, Blade and Yanqinq were shocked by hearing those words

Yanqinq: what me?!
Jingliu: yes Young man i sure you will be able to defeat him, and be sure of remember my teachings

Blade was frustraded of knowing that a little man coming out of nowere made his own teacher be more proud than him which knowed from a lifetime

Yanqinq: well but i want to help
Jingliu: young man
Jingliu: do the right choice
Yanqinq: fine i will, Master
Jingliu: go

Yanqinq leaved then not sure of his choice but knowed what was right to do

At the Wardance

Conductor: We remember to all the contestants that the Wardance will begin until 2 hours, so get ready!
March 7th: Still 2 hours

March was really nervous about it and didn't know how calm down herself but Yunli did

Yunli: March 7th
March 7th: Yes Master Yunli?
Yunli: you could go training now you know i think it might make you pass the stress
March 7th: oh that's an awesome idea thanks Master Yunli

Now that March 7th finally leaved Yunli was finally able to find some peace even if it wouldn't last forever
Yunli: wait what was that?

Yunli heard something falling in the other room of the Wardance ally
Yunli:..better if i check out

Upon arriving she noticed a starkiff arriving and landing in the room, Yunli heard a weird rumor and instantly
Yunli: who's there?
No response
Yunli: i said Who's THERE?
Still no response
Yunli: oh you think you are funny well then COME OUTSIDE OR I SWEAR TO THE AEON LAN I AM CRUSH THIS THINGH!
However she tried she still didn't get any response
Yunli: i am gonna count until 3
??: Wait!
Yanqinq: it is me you were really gonna crush this thingh!?
Yunli: oh it's you sorry

Embaressed Yunli looked pretty rare to Yanqinq seeing Yunli blushing like that but also felt in fault

Yanqinq: oh sorry i didn't mind to-

Right after he could apologize he was about to get ballkicked but thankfully to his reflexes he managed to dodge it

Yanqinq: hey are you kidding me!
Yunli: hump always did
Yanqinq: ....Yunli
Yunli: anyway let's go the Wardance is about to start
Yanqinq: actually
Yunli: what?
Yanqinq: whatchout!

Until Yanqinq remember that after he doged her kick he realised that one of his swords was ready to strike her
Yunli: Yanqinq...

Yanqinq jumped right to her falling into her, both is arms were right her face that was already blushing

Yanqinq: uff eh oh emm

Yanqinq wasn't able to say a word since he was blushing even more than her

Yunli: we should go now
Yanqinq: no we can't
Yunli actually understood Yanqinq intention and wasn't really angry about it but more excited
Yunli: do it
Yanqinq: i can?
Yunli: i said you do i-

Yanqinq comed closer and closer to Yunli's face kissing her hoping no one could see them

Yunli: now we can go

Yanqinq was holding himself to not blush that hard but it simple way too much for him

Yanqinq: yes yes we can go now!

Yanqinq whitout even realizing, hurted himself to the wall by his dumbness

Yanqinq: ouch!

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