The Day the Sun Was Born

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April 2nd, 1996


"Joseph... I can't, I'm too weak. You're... you're going to have to cut it out, Joseph."

"No, Catalina, if I do that you will die. I can't lose're my love, I can't."

"Joseph, I'd rather be the one to die instead of my child!"

"NO, I love you both very much, just please push, I know you have enough strength to push...please."

Catalina nodded. She was truly weak and tired, but, when she looked into Joseph's eyes, she knew that she had the strength to push their beautiful creation into the world.

"One more big push...that's it, yes! I see the head!"

Her forehead was drenched in sweat and she was still shaking. 'One more push, Catalina, just one more,' she told herself.


After that big push, she was depleted of all the energy she had left. Then, she heard the most beautiful song in the world; her angel crying. 'My sun is born,' she thought, right before she passed out from exhaustion.

"Catalina," Joseph said. "It's a bebita... my love, it's a bebita."


Translation - bebita in Spanish means baby girl

This is my first time writing, so I would appreciate all comments with any suggestions to make my story better.

Edited as of 11-8-15.

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