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I glared at Paul's window as I walked towards Nikki. I wrapped my arms around her turning her and letting her sob quietly into my chest. I picked her up as I carried her back to my car placing her softly inside it. As much as I wanted to break the door down and beat the shit out of Paul I knew right now that Nikki and our child were more important. I didn't know that much about children but I knew stress was not good. After making sure Nikki was safely secured I went back and grabbed her two bags from the yard.

"Heartless fucking asshole." I muttered loud enough I knew Paul could hear me.

I walked back to the car tossing the bags in the back before driving to my house. By the time we arrived, Nikki was sleeping softly next to me. She still had tear streaks down her face but at least she somewhat calmed down. When I arrived at my house I turned the car off before going around and gently getting Nikki out of the car. I carried her inside the house walking quietly past my dad who was looking at me in question.

I went inside my room shutting the door before I laid her on the bed. I turned to grab a really big t-shirt of mine before I slowly undressed Nikki and changed her into my shirt. I covered her up kissing her head before walking out of my room. I walked back in sitting next to my dad.

"Can we talk?" I asked looking at him.

"Always, what's wrong?"

"I, is it ok if Nikki stays here for a little while? At least until I can get her a place, us a place or something?"

"Sure, I love that girl. What's wrong?"

"Paul. He kicked her out."

"He what!" My dad said raising his voice.

"Shh! Nik is asleep."

"Sorry. What the hell is his problem?" He loudly whispered. I sighed, as not ready as I was to tell my dad I knew it couldn't be avoided.

"Um, I, well." I stuttered running my hands over my face. "Dad, I got Nikki pregnant." I said looking up at him. I was scared that for once I couldn't read his emotions.

"What do you plan on doing?"

"We're keeping it, and I plan on trying to find a job and getting her a house or something; and I know one day I am going to marry her."

"Sounds like you got everything planned."

"Not really I have no clue what to do and both of us are freaking out; we never meant for this to happen right now."

"You are both strong kids, you will both be amazing parents and will be ok. You will make it through this together but it will be hard. Hell, your mother and I had a hard enough time when we had Becca and Rachel and we were 25 and already married."

"I know." I said feeling my confidence sink further.

"Jacob, you are a smart kid and very good. You will be an amazing father just like Nikole will be an amazing mother. Go get some rest."

"Thank you, for everything."

"Anytime kid." He said smiling at me as I hugged him. I then stood up walking to my room. When I opened the door I smiled looking at Nikole. She was curled with one of my pillows in her arms, his legs wrapped around part of it. I shed my shirt and shorts before climbing into bed with Nikole and wrapping my arms securely around her. I smiled hearing her sigh softly as she snuggled closer to me.

"I love you, Nikole." I said softly before closing my eyes and letting sleep take over.


I awoke the next morning to the sun shining in my face. I squinted and groaned stopping when I felt movement under me. I looked up seeing Jake's sleeping face and sighed as I laid my head back onto his chest. Last night ran through my mind and I felt tears well in my eyes again. I can't believe my brother had done that, it wasn't like him. I looked towards the door as it opened, revealing Billy. I watched as he wheeled himself into the room a big tray of food on his lap.

"Morning Dad." Jake said softly as I turned looking at him; he had his head towards the door a smile on his face. He turned to look at me before his hand rested softly on my back.

"Sleep ok?"

"Actually I did, thank you for everything."

"I got you." He said sitting up and kissing my shoulder before taking the food from his dad.

"Thanks, dad."

"No problem, how you feeling today Nikole."

"Pretty good. Thank you for letting me spend the night."

"Don't feel as if you need to rush and leave Nikole, you can stay as long as you like." I looked over at Jake who had a nervous look across his eyes.

"You told him?"

"Yeah, he knows; everything."

"Oh."  I said looking down at my lap. Suddenly Billy was in front of me and hand my hand in his.

"Nikole, look at me, honey." I looked up, I was so scared. "Don't hold your head in shame, you have done nothing wrong. You are an amazing young woman who   I love dearly and I am so happy you and Jake are together and even giving me a little grandbaby to play with. Don't worry so much. Makes you old." He added causing me to laugh as I hugged him.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much it means to hear you say that."

"Don't cry my dear, it's true. Don't let your brother get to you he is just stressed and doesn't really know how to handle the fact his baby sister is growing up on him. He's used to taking care of you, looking out for you and now that Jake is there for you I think your brother is scared of losing you."

"Doesn't mean he should act like a jerk." After Jake and I finished breakfast he grabbed my bags from the car while I hopped in the shower. When I stepped out of the shower I was surprised to find a pair of black yoga pants and a long-sleeve La Push high shirt I owned. I slipped the clothes on before combing my hair. I walked back into Jake's room seeing him lying on the bed staring at the ceiling.

"You ok?" I asked walking and sitting next to him.

"Just thinking?"

"Wanna talk about it."

"Just thinking about how to take care of us."

"Oh, Jake." I said leaning down and hugging him. "I am so sorry I put."

"Stop, don't finish that sentence. I wouldn't change anything, sure we probably should have waited longer but what happened happened and I love you more than anything."

"I love you too."

"Want to go to Sam and Emily's?"

"I am scared of seeing Paul."

"He can't do anything and Sam can make him leave."

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