Hell hath no Fury

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After Jake had talked some confidence in me we walked to Emily's. Jake spent the majority of the time checking on me.

"Jake stop."

"You ok, what's wrong?"

"You, please don't baby me, if I feel bad or weird I'll let you know."

"Ok." We got to Sam's and I heard a laugh, Paul was here. I tensed stopping, Jake immediately stopping next to me.

"What is it, baby?"

"He's here."

"Come on." Jake said taking my hand and leading me to the door. He walked in causing everyone to look at us and my brother to go from smiling to anger in 3 seconds. Paul glared at us before turning his head. I swallowed as my throat tightened.

"Morning Nikole, Jacob." At smiled at Emily before jumping as a chair slid roughly along the floor. My eyes darted to Paul who had stood. He came stomping by I was partially in the way so he stopped. I looked up at him his eyes fixated on the woods in front of him. He wanted out of here and wouldn't even look at me; if I wasn't pregnant he would have shoved me out of his way by now. I took a step to the side and he brushed passed me. No words of even a look spoken to me. My brother's harsh actions made me start crying as I watched him leave. Jake walked up to me wrapping his arms around me tightly as he rubbed my back.

"It's ok RiRi I got you, it's ok." He whispered in my ear softly. RiRi was the nickname Jake had given me when we were kids. He was the only one to call me and ever allowed to call me that. 20 minutes later Rachel stormed into Emily's yelling.

"What did you do Jacob! What the hell did you do to Paul!"

"Rachel calm down." Jake said softly as he stood. Rachel smacked Jake whimpering as she hurt her hand doing so. I growled taking a step towards her as Sam gently grabbed me holding me back.

"Nikole stay calm." He said ordering me to relax. I smiled softly at him, thankful for having less stress.


I didn't even feel it as Rachel smacked me, she hurt herself. What made me mad was her coming in here yelling when she had no clue what was going on. She just knew Paul was pissed at me for what happened. Now her causing Nik to get upset pissed me off, I didn't want her to be stressed, she was pregnant.

"Racheal calm the hell down!" I said loudly, my alpha coming out. Rachel back down glaring at me.

"Don't yell at me."

"Don't yell at me."

"Well, what the fuck did you do to Paul, what the fuck did you and Nikole fucking do?!"

"We didn't DO anything! And watch how you fucking talk to him." Nikole growled out harshly as Sam told her to calm down. I walked away from Racheal immediately going over to Nikole. Her eyes were not her normal light brown, they were dark like mine. She was pissed.

"Nik, baby calm down please." I held her hips rubbing small circles as I leaned to her ear. "It isn't safe for our baby; I need you to calm down please." I said kissing right below her ear, a weak spot; I instantly felt her relax in my arms before I turned back to Racheal.

"Rach sit down."


"Please, I'll explain everything." She sat down and I did as well as I grabbed Nikole's hand holding it in mine. "Rach, Nikole is pregnant. Wh-"

"WHAT! When? Does dad know? Do you know how old you are? Is that why you were sick? I told you to go to the doctor, I knew you were pregnant." She rambled.

"She got pregnant the night before you two went back to school, yes it's why she was sick, yes dad knows. We understand how old we are but it happened so we gotta step up Rach. As far as your asshole boyfriend he's pissed I got her pregnant which we didn't exactly plan and he kicked her the fuck out. He stormed out after punching me and yelling at her and when she got home he had changed the locks so she couldn't get in. When she asked him to let her in he tossed some of her shit out the window and told her to go play house with me, proceeded to say he was no longer her brother, and turned his back on her. We came here today and he didn't say shit to her wouldn't even look at her. The minute we came in he got up and left without a glance. So don't you talk to me about what I did neither Nikole nor myself did anything wrong other than not use a form of birth control; Paul was and is the one doing everything." I said breathing heavily after slightly going off on my sister; she sat mouth agape looking at me. I glanced at Nikole who was shocked but had an overwhelming look of love in her eyes.

"I want to apologize to the both of you, not only for how I acted but for how Paul is acting as well. He has no right to treat you like that. Jacob, I am so proud of you, I hate seeing you grow up but you are such a smart person, mom would be so proud of you. Nikole our mom adored you and I'm sorry about your brother, I'll talk to him, Congratulations guys, so when am I meeting my little niece or nephew?" Rach asked smiling at us. I felt the tension lift from my shoulders having both my dad and one of my sister's support. I know it made Nikole feel better as well. Speaking of sisters I needed to call Beck.


"I'm due July 26th." I said causing Rachel to smile.

"Awww, that's so awesome."

"Do you want to see a picture?" I asked. Rachel's smiled brightly as she nodded feverishly. I pulled the picture out and handed it to her.

"Aww, it's so tiny."

"You should hear the heartbeat, it sounds like horses."

"That's so cool, are you scared?"

"More than I've ever been, I never felt more alone and more alive at the same time."

"Not having Paul's support is bothering you."

"Yes, he's all I have, he's my brother. It kills me that he's mad at me, what he said I, it wasn't my brother. I just want us to be like we were, now he hates me because of something that was eventually going to happen anyway. He said I was naïve and stupid and he wasn't going to be around to pick up the pieces next time Jake broke me."

"I'll handle Paul; you focus on taking care of my niece or nephew. Did he really kick you out?"

"Yeah, I spent the night at your dad's. He said I could stay as long as I needed."

"We won't, I'm getting you a house." Jake said confidently.

"Jake we're 18 and just graduated, I'm in school we are fucked. What are we supposed to do?"

"You worry about making a baby and school."

"I'm not going back, I'm going online; I'm transferring."

"Still have to study."

"Not like I do for an actual class." I said putting my head on his shoulder.

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