Old Friends

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The next day I sat in Paul's car as we drove to campus, I was nervous, could I really do this.

"Niks calm down; I can hear your heart from hearing."

"I'm nervous."

"I know, you'll be ok. Hell, they said they were giving you a mentor who was even from La Push so you should be good."

"I guess."

"Ok so call me later after you settle in, I love you be safe and if anyone messes with you I'll come here and kick their ass ok."

"Yes, Paul. That and sleep with half the campus."

"No, but now that you mention it I have seen some very attractive ladies."

"Go home."

"Whatever brat, come give me a hug." I grabbed Paul hugging him tightly and taking a deep breath, I didn't want to cry.

"I know how you feel." He mumbled into my hair.

"I'm going to miss you."

"Same here. I'll see you, be careful."

"I will love you."

"Love you too little sis." He said kissing my head and jogging to his car. I walked back to my dorm to finish unpacking my boxes, my roommate hadn't been in when I had arrived although I had been told she was a junior who was about 6 months shy of graduating early. I was curious to meet whoever she was, was she nice, what she looks like, did I know her? All the questions ran through my head that I didn't even hear the door open until I heard a voice making me jump.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's ok, hi I'm Nikole." I said sticking my hand out. She took it shaking it gently.

"Hi, I'm Rachel."

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"You too, it's nice to have someone from La Push here, I was surprised to hear we had a new student from there."

"Yeah, I got lucky got a scholarship."

"Awesome, do you like it so far."

"So far yeah. You look so familiar, what's your last name."

"Black." I took a sharp intake of breathing as I looked at her eyes quickly. Did she really just, fuck.

"Do you have a brother named Jake?"

"Yeah, you know him."

"We used to be best friends." Rachel then did a double-take as she looked at me.

"Nikki? Nikki Lahote?"

"The one and only." I responded smirking.

"Wow you grew up, how have you been, how's my dad, Jake?"

"Your dad is doing good, same silly old man. Jake is well, Jake." I said sighing. Rachel looked at me before pulling me to sit on her bed.


"I know a sigh like that anywhere, what's up with you and my brother."


"Yeah right."

"Serious, I love him; he loves someone else and even ran away." So I sat there for nearly an hour pouring over the past year of my life, at least as much as I could divulge. When I finished she patted my hand pausing to collect her words before speaking.

"My brother is an absolute moron. Nikki you have been there for that boy our whole lives and he has had the hots for you since you two were kids, I am not sure what is making him be so stupid and stubborn he needs a foot in the ass but don't lose hope just yet, Jacob may just surprise us both."

"They really miss you guys."

"I miss them too, I feel guilty for leaving."

"Oh never think that Rach, your dad loves you so much, yeah he misses you but he's so proud of you and what you're doing."



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