Makeups & Babies

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"Thank you so much for everything, I really appreciate it."

"Anytime Nikole, if you need anything we're just a phone call away."

"Thank you, Esme." I said hugging her.

"We'll see you soon." Alice said giddily as she hugged me. I smiled as they quickly darted off before I shut the door.

It had been a busy and hectic past couple of hours. Between food, games, presents, cake, crying. I was honestly worn out. As I turned looking at the abundant pile of baby things I got overwhelmed. There was just so much, and I still had to pack a bag for when I had him.

"What's wrong?" Sue asked looking at me.

"There's so much stuff."

"Honey, you don't have to put this up yet."

"I have to; it needs to be ready for when he comes." I said bending to grab a box. As I did I felt a pain. "Mmm."

"You ok Nikole?"

"Yeah Em, it's been happening since this morning."

"How far?"

"How far what?"

"Are they apart?" Sue asked smiling.

"I don't know I haven't- Ow." I muttered quietly. I saw Sue look at her clock before looking back at me.

"You're three minutes apart."


"The contractions you are feeling are 3 minutes apart. It's been like this since this morning?"


"Go lay down, Leah help Nikole to her bedroom, Emily lay a towel down and get an extra one."

"Sue, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing baby. You need to rest and I'm going to go ahead and check to see how far you are." I nodded as I followed Leah.

As we ascended the stairs I could hear laughter coming from the end of the hall in Alex's nursery. I had forgotten the guys were in there so I walked past my door and made my way down the hall. Pushing open the door I got the guys' attention as Jared grabbed the door keeping me from hitting him. The room was crowded with the guys but I gasped as I looked around. Jake was hanging the X on the wall behind his crib, pictures and stickers covered his walls perfectly, his crib neatly made. The changer was together and neatly stocked, the clothes all hung up and books on the shelves. The guys had gone above and beyond to get the room not only finished but even more perfect then I had thought.

"Aww guys, thank you. It looks perfect." I said crying softly.

"You like it?" Seth asked smiling brightly.

"No, I love it. It's better than I even thought. You guys have no clue how much this means, thank you." I said wiping my face. I closed my eyes tightly as a rather hard contraction ripped through my body.

"Nikki?" I heard Seth's worried voice as he grabbed my arm gently. I could hear the guys all move towards me but I closed my eyes tightly in pain. "I'm fine." I growled out

"You're not fine; I'm taking you to Carlisle." Jake said as he moved between the guys and put his arm around my waist.

"Jacob, put her in bed, she's fine she's having contractions."

"She's having the baby?" Seth said excitedly to his mom.

"Not yet but I'd say 24 to 48 hours and you're going to be a father Jacob." Jake lifted me like I weighed nothing and walked in our room lying me down. I rolled on my side curling in a ball as I had another contraction.

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