Heartbreak and Opprotunities

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"JAKE." "JACOB" I awoke hearing Billy yelling frantically. I sat up in Jake's bed looking around; as I looked towards the window I saw a flash go into the woods, I then noticed the clothing lying on the wet ground. I jumped up going outside stopping as I saw Billy on his ramp looking towards the woods. I couldn't hear anything but saw the way his shoulders were moving he was crying. I ran out grabbing his wheelchair and getting him under the roof so he wouldn't continue to be soaked. I looked back to the woods before looking at him.

"What's wrong?" Billy held up a piece of paper and I grabbed it. My eyes scanning the invitation. I felt sadness, anger, hurt all go through me as I read it. Bella had sent Jacob an invitation to her and Edward's wedding. I looked at Billy as I handed it back walking down the stairs.

"NIKKI." I turned back to Billy, grateful that the rain was covering the tears.

"I'll find him. I'll be back." I then phased before taking off, I followed Jacob's scent only to lose it due to the rain. I searched all day for him before finally giving up at dusk. I slowly went back to Billy's. As I opened the door he came rushing to it Sue behind him, it was then I noticed the pack was at Billy's. As I locked eyes with the man who was damn near like a father to me I saw his tired worried eyes. I felt my eyes water again as I shook my head no before collapsing on the ground in tears. I brushed them off standing up and growling. I then ran out the door phasing and running, I could hear the sounds behind me, someone was following me. I was going to kick her leech loving ass, how dare she. I stopped in front of the Cullen's home phasing before I was tackled on the ground. I began swinging and screaming.

"Get off me!"

"No can do, you're about to start a war."

"No, I'm about to fucking finish it."

"Paul get her home. Carlisle sorry." I looked up seeing Edward and Carlisle looking at Sam holding me on the ground and lost it.

"I'll fucking kill her there won't be a wedding." Edward growled at me causing my brother to growl back. I jerked away from Sam running and swinging at Bella who had walked up beside Edward, I got her pretty good and Edward caught her as Sam grabbed me.


"Fuck you, he left because of her. He was happy, we were happy and this pale-faced bitched had to ruin it all over again." I glared at her before I let Paul drag me away as I started to cry again. Paul took me home laying me in bed as he held me and let me cry.

"He still loves her."

"Nik he loves you."

"Then why did he leave me." Paul shrugged before sighing and walking out.

That's how I have been for a week, miserable, off and on crying and trying every day to search for Jake. I even went all the way to the Canadian border a few times with no luck. Since we had graduated a month ago I had a nice stack of letters on the table, none I opened. I sat down waiting for Paul to bring some food and my ice cream; I decided to open some of my letters. I saw one sitting there that caught my eye. The University of Washington. I opened it first; scanning it I dropped it to the table in shock.

Dear Nikole Lahote,

Congratulations! It is our pleasure to announce that you have been accepted to the University of Washington Class of 2016 Huskies.

Enrollment ends March 22, 2011, at 5 pm. To confirm your enrollment please visit us online or call the number provided to begin your admissions process.

Based on the test scores we have received we would like to offer you an academic scholarship. It is an honor to have a Huskie like you in our establishment. Thank you for choosing the University of Washington. We hope to see you around campus.


Evelyn Mendez

Admissions Chair.

I sat there re-reading the letter in shock. I had gotten accepted, I mean I knew I had early acceptance but this, this was surreal. They had sent another letter because the deadline was in a week; it was like fate was tempting me. Jake left me again and I got a letter giving me a sign. I signed as I leaned back closing my eyes. What do I need to do, stay wait for Jake who was obsessed with Bella and apparently I would never be enough; or follow my dreams and go to school like I always wanted to, the only thing holding me to La Push was Jake and he was gone. I was so lost in my thoughts I never heard my brother come back in.

"Nik you ok?" I jumped as he touched me.

"Yeah, sorry zoned out."

"What you looking at?" I handed him the paper watching as he scanned over it a few times before looking at me.



"Nik you aren't happy, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, it's a scholarship Nik you need to take it."

"I know, just what about."

"Look, go get dressed, and let's go talk to Sam." I nodded my head as Paul shoved the letter in his pocket gently leading me out the door. As we walked into Sam's everyone was smiling and laughing and happy, I already felt out of place and this just made it worse. No wonder Leah always seemed pissed and bitter, being lonely and sad and everyone else being chipper sure ruins your mood.

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