Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

My stomach drops. My arms and legs feel like led. Maybe I misheard, but the stares directed at me quickly kills that theory. Its silent, there are no volunteers. Why?! Why when its me picked! Why are there no volunteers?!

I hear a strangled cry coming from the 12 year olds and immediately know it's Emerald. I feel something cling to my arm and my head whips around too see Ruby clinging to me with tears streaming down her face. I feel like crying too but I most look strong and not like a weakling. I give her a hug and stride towards the stage.

'Come on Dear, hurry up.' Violet coaxes me up.

I hold my head up high as I mount the stairs to the stage. I scan the crowd and see Emerald in the front bawling her eyes out with one her friends holding her up. Next, I see Marvel's shocked face with his brown eyes filling with tears.

'NOW, FOR THE BOYS!' Violet's voice booms.

I cringe. Why can't they have it quieter?

Violet quicky struts over to the boys bowl and just shoves her manicured hand in and pulls out a slip. Why does she just tease the girls? That's not fair.

Violet has already made it back to the bowl and is slowly unfolding the paper. Just tell me who I'm up against!! I'm so impatient!


My heart stops. Tears are filling up in my eyes. He is going to kill me for sure! I hear another strangled wail from the crowd and know it's Emerald. I turn to see her bawling on the ground, her friend shoots me a sorry look. I return it and nod.

I turn my head to the other side to see my arrogant brother mounting the stairs. He sees me looking and puts a murderous grin on his face.

'IM GUESSING YOU TWO ARE BROTHER AND SISTER?' Violet stupidly asks. I feel like screaming at her. I'm still frozen staring at my evil brother when I hear a manly voice screaming 'I VOLUNTEER!! I VOLUNTEER! I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!!'

My golden blonde head whips around to see who it was.

I gasp and a tear rolls down my cheek. Why him?

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