Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

No, the odds aren't in my favour today. The volunteer was Marvel. How could he? He knows how dear he is to me, how can he expect me to kill him if it comes down to that? I see Topaz stand up tall ready for a fight.

'Oooooh! A volunteer! Topaz, would you like to let him volunteer?' Violet excitedly asks.

'No.' Topaz stubbornly replies.

'Okay, get the bowls!!' Violet yells at a peacekeeper. Whenever there is a situation like this they put the names in another bowl and do another mini reaping.

'Who is going to be?' Violet asks.

She teasingly waves her hand inside the bowl and then quickly grabs a slip.

Violet quickly makes her way back and unfolds the paper slip.


No! No! This can't be happening!! Not Marvel! I pinch my arm to make sure I'm not dreaming. I hear Topaz howl with anger and storm off the stage.

'THE TRIBUTES FROM DISTRICT 1, GLIMMER KATON AND MARVEL ADDAMS!! Come on you two shake hands!' Violets voice booms.

Marvel steps forward and extends his arm for me to shake his hand. As I grab his hand I shoot him a death stare, he cringes and replies my look with a sorry one. Three peacekeepers march us into the Justice Building. I have to walk through the corridors with a hand on the wall to keep me from falling over. Throughout the whole walk I ignored Marvel trying to say sorry. I'm not ready to forgive him yet.

When we get to our rooms I collapse on the long, burgundy couch. Whilst I'm waiting for my first visitor I admire the room. And has fluffy light Grey carpet and white flower wallpaper. I'm just about to shut my eyes when Emerald bursts into room bawling her eyes out.

'GLIMMER! YOU CAN'T GO! YOU CANT' She dives into arms and I scoop her up.

'Emerald, I have to, you know that. And I will fight so that I can come home to you.' I try and calm and her down. At that point mum waltzes into the room.

'Congratulations Glimmer! I know you can do it! I knew it was your year!'' Mum says excitedly.

'Hold on Em,' I say and place her onto the couch. I walk up to my mother and slap her across the face.

She howls in pain.

'GLIMMER!' She screams at me.

'YOU KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THAT!' I scream back at her. I then shove her out the room and slam the door on her. I run over to Emerald, sit on the couch and pull her onto my lap. We sit there for a few minutes like that until a peacekeeper comes in and pulls Emerald away from me.

'GLIMMER!! GLIMMEEEER! GLIM-' she screams until the doors slams shut.

I resist the urge to curl up into a ball and cry. I sit back down on the couch with my head in my hands. Why me?

All of a sudden I hear the door creak open.

'Glimmer?' someone asks

'Ruby!' I reply. Finally Ruby has come! She is crying too.

I run into her arms and bury my head into her neck.

'Ruby, I'm scared' I finally admit. And the tears start to flow from my eyes wetting her beautiful green dress.

'Oh Glim, you are gonna be fine, you are going to win.' Ruby says firmly.

'But M-M-Marvel' I sob

'I know, I know. He is going to do everything he can to save you' Ruby says trying to calm me down.

'Here, sit down' Ruby makes me sit down. She takes off her necklace and shows it to me.

'Please wear this as your token, sort of like a lucky charm' Ruby says and then puts it on for me.

'Thank you Ruby' I say with tears still flowing down my face.

'Your welcome, Glimmer. I have to go, see you soon. You will win' Ruby says finally then leaves the room.

I give up. I curl up into a ball on the couch and try to stop crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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