Larry~Vampire Baby

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I wake up to a strong pain in my stomach so I say "Lou wake up." And Louis says "Yeah Harry?" And I say "My stomach hurts." Then Louis says "Liam!!" And Liam runs in and says "Yeah Lou." Then I feel something coming up making me pale. So I run into the bathroom throwing up into the toilet then I feel someone rubbing my back making me jump and I look back and see Louis. Then I say "Lou." Then I fall asleep falling backwards only for someone to catch me and pick me up then lay me on something making me curl in on myself at another pain making my body tense up. Then Louis says "Can you figure out what's wrong with him?" And Liam says "Lou I think he's pregnant." And Louis says "With how many?" And Liam says "All boys."
And then I open my eyes and say "Lou what's wrong?" And Louis says "We're going to have babies Harry." And I suddenly feel sick. Making me pale again so Liam gets a bucket and holds it over the edge of the bed so I throw up into it then I fall back onto the bed sweating profusely so Louis grabs a rag and wipes my face off then I say softly "Lou I need a drink." And Louis nods and goes to get up so I say "Stay please." And he nods then say to Liam "Can you get him some water." And then I see Liam walk out. Then I suddenly feel sick again so I say "Lou." And Louis holds the bucket under my mouth as I throw up into it only gagging up stomach bile and acid making me cough so Louis rubs my back as I try to stop coughing. Then I finally stop and lean back then I feel Louis pull me into his side so I curl into him as he rubs my stomach.
I feel my stomach jolt making me sit up so I say "Lou the babies are coming." And he says "Really?" And I say "Yeah." Only to let out a scream. As Zayn and Niall help me stand then Niall hands me a cup which I take only to drop making it burst open spilling all over the floor. Then I reach down to grab it only for the babies to kick making my back go to a 90 degree angle with a prominent crack making me fall to my knees then start falling only for Louis to support my head then I'm on the medical bed with my shirt up. Then Liam says "Dan says the placenta must've detached." Then I say "Get them out now!!" Then I feel something get injected into my thigh making me scream out. Then I hear Zayn say "Change him you gotta change him." Then Louis says "I can't they're still in there." Then I see Niall pick up a scalpel then try to cut it into my stomach.
Only for Louis to say "Niall let the morphine spread." And Niall says "There's no time their dying." Then Louis lets him go and he cuts into my skin making me scream out then Niall raises the scalpel then starts trembling so Zayn tackles him and drags him out of the room. Then walks back in as Louis lowers his mouth to the bump then I feel another pain making me scream out as I suddenly feel my heart struggling. So Zayn says "Harry focus on me keep your heart beating." And I try to keep my heart beating then as Louis pulls the babies out then he says "Dan and Phil and Tyler." And I whisper "Beautiful." Then Louis hands me Dan and I hold him then he suddenly starts crying so Louis takes him. Then I suddenly go still I lock onto the babies in Louis' arms as I go completely still making Zayn say "Harry!! Harry!!"
I look at Harry and see him suddenly go still making Zayn start shaking him then begin to give him CPR then Niall walks in and says "Louis I'll take them I promise I'm ok." And so I hand the babies to him then go to one of the drawers and grab a syringe then push Zayn away from Harry then shove the plunger into his chest directly over his heart making Zayn say "What is that?!" And I say "All of my venom." Then I press down on the plunger which inserts all of my venom into Harrys heart then I pull it out only to look into Harrys dark green eyes making me say "It's supposed to be working." Then I start giving him CPR as Zayn says "I won't kill you that'd be too easy you deserve to live with this." Then I hear the door slam.
I walk out trying to hold myself together then I eventually crack as I fall to my knees sobbing then I suddenly look up and walk back inside. And towards the lounge where Niall is with the babies then as I look at all three of them time stands still then I get this strong urge of protection making me fall to my knees then I suddenly hear commotion outside so I run outside and see Louise and Connor and Ricky attacking Louis and Liam and Marcus so I run outside and right to Connor as he tries to get in the house so I say "Stop its over if you kill them you kill me." Then Connor tries to move past me making me fly up into the air phasing then I land and walk up to them growling then Louis says "Zayn imprinted they can't hurt them who ever a wolf imprints on they can't be harmed it's their most absolute law."
I hear someone say "He shouldn't be this still." And then someone else says "Its the morphine." Then Louis says "Maybe I was to late." Then Dan says "No Louis listen to his heart." Then I feel someone brush my hair out then slip a shirt and sweats on. Then I hear someone walk out then someone else put boots on me then after a few minutes I suddenly feel my heart slowing then it finally stops so I open my eyes looking around and I see Louis looking at me so I say "Lou." And then stand and run towards him so he catches me then says "Hey Haz." And I say "Hi." Making Louis smile then I hug him making him say "Harry your a lot stronger than me right now." Then I let him go quickly as he says "It's your turn not to break me." Making me hit him on the arm.

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