Taking Care Of A Seven Year Old Popstar

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I look at Harry and see he's still in a coma so I say "Harry please wake up I need you angel." And then he opens his eyes and says "Hey Lou." And I smile and say "Hi sweetheart." And he says "Hi." And Then I notice him trying to stay awake so I say "Harry whats wrong?" And he says "I don't know." Then his eyes shut. So I call the doctor who says "Louis he apparently went back into the coma." And I nod and walk out.
4 Years Later
I wake up and see Dan Howell looking at me so I say "Hey Dan." And he says "Yes Harry?" And I say "Wanna be my boyfriend?" And Dan says "Sure." Then I say "Can I be released today?" And Dan says "Yeah actually you can go now." And I say "Sweet." Then Dan helps me up. And then I say "Dan you want kids?" And Dan says "Yeah why you want to adopt?" And I nod then say "Yeah so Louis put my kids in a orphanage in this town lets go get them." And Dan says "Alright." Then we both walk out. Then I spot Sammy so I say "Bye Sammy!" And she says "Bye Haz!" And then I hug her then I say "Can you help me make sure Louis doesn't recognize me at all?" And she says "Sure." Then the three of us walk out and then climb into a taxi. Heading to Birmingham then halfway through the drive I fall asleep with my head on Dans shoulder then I feel Dan pick me up and carry me somewhere then I feel him lay me on something soft making me smile.
Then I feel him lay next to me then wrap a arm around me then a few minutes later I wake up and say "Dan come on help change me." And he says "Sure." And then he sits up shirtless. And helps me up then kisses me then we walk to the kitchen of Dans flat where Sammy is with bleach and pink and purple and blue and lilac hair color and blue contacts which I put on then sit in the chair while Sammy straightens my hair then dyes it in a dip dye type look then says "So you want it like Josh's when he was young." And I say "Yeah." Then she cuts it and adds bangs then says "Now wait about a hour for it to dry." And I say "Thanks Sammy." And she says "Now you need a new name as well." And I say "Dustin." And Dan says "I like it it suits you." And I say "Thanks Danny. But don't you think we should move somewhere else?" And Dan says "Where?" And I say "America." And Dan says "Not really." And I say "Alright." Then say "When this is done want to come with me for a new wardrobe?" And Dan says "Sure." Then Sammy says "Alright Dustin time to get the color out." And I nod and let her wash my hair out then dry it as well. Then I take Dans hand and we both walk outside and to the mall where I see Louis and Eleanor so I say "Dan come on Abercrombie and Fitch is just around the corner." Then I pull out my phone and headphones then plug them into my phone going to my One Direction playlist and start playing Drag Me Down. Then I start singing softly to it making Louis look at me and smile then I smile back winking at him then Dan says "Dustin come on." And I say "Oh right I'm coming Dan." Then my phone vibrates and I look and see a text from Eleanor saying 'Stay away from Louis or else you'll wish you would've stayed in that coma.😈' making me gape.
Then I text her back 'Oh believe me your real stupid if you believe Louis actually loves you he loved me and still loves me.😏' and then I text Louis 'Meet me in Abercrombie and Fitch come alone we need to talk love you.❤️😘😍' and I get a reply back 'See you there angel.😇😍😘❤️' and I smile and reply 'Baby you light up my world like nobody else.😘' then I say "Dan this isn't going to work I'm sorry." And he says "I understand that's why I'm doing this." Then he knees me in the balls making me groan then someone says "Oi! Get away from him you fooking loser!" Then I look up and see Louis with a pissed off expression in front of us. And then Dan storms off so Louis says "Hold on angel." And then he walks back over to Eleanor and I hear him say "We're through." And then he walks back to me only for El to storm over to me kicking me 21 times in the balls making me fall to my knees then onto my side with a pained shriek. Then I hear Louis say "Eleanor get away from him!!" And I hear Eleanor scoff then stalk away and then I let out a pained whine making Louis say "Harry angel don't worry I'll help you." Then I say "It hurts." And he says "I know it does baby but don't worry I'll look after you."
Then Louis picks me up and carries me to a shopping scooter which he sets me on so I say "This reminds me of Midnight Memories." And Louis says "I know Harry." Then he starts walking so I follow him on the scooter. Then Louis says "I like the hair." And I say "Thanks." Then we stop in front of Abercrombie & Fitch and I say "Want to look inside?" And he says "Sure." Then we walk inside. And then come out with a ton of clothes then we go out of the mall and to Louis' Porsche Boxter and I say "Nice car." And Louis says "Thanks angel." Then I sneeze making Louis say "Angel you alright?" And I say "I don't know." And he says "You feel warm at all?" And I say "I don't know." And then Louis gently places his hand on my forehead and says "Baby your burning up." Then I start coughing my knees buckling. Then I feel Louis catch me and Louis says "You alright?" And I say "I'm fine Leeroy. Ha! Leeroy reminds me of Best Song Ever am I allowed to reference our own videos? Oh well." Making Louis say "Oh shit." Then he puts me in the passengers seat buckling me then putting the bags in the back then climbs into the drivers seat driving down the road to the flat. As I keep talking about how crickets have feelings and how Luke Hemmings is secretly a alien and how Zayn is secretly God making Louis laugh.
Then I pass out from the fever making Louis say "Oh shit." Then the car stops and I feel Louis pick me up and carry me inside. Then I cough opening my eyes then I say "Lou what's going on?" And Louis says "Your ill angel so I'm going to take care of my precious angel so he can be a healthy angel again and continue flying." And I laugh which then turns into coughing. So Louis kisses my sweaty forehead making me giggle then I fall asleep while Louis rubs my hair as I continue to cough in my sleep. Then I whine as I feel a pain in my chest and then Louis says "Harry angel baby wake up we have to get ready for the concert tonight plus I want to surprize the boys by bringing you to the concert to prove to management that you are alright." And I say hoarsely "Alright." Then I sit up coughing so Louis says "You alright angel?" And I say "I'm fine." Then Louis helps me stand then I say "Lou where's the scale?" And Louis pulls out a scale and I stand on it to see I'm 120.2 pounds. Making me say "Lou I'm severely underweight." And Louis says "Why's that?" And then I say "I don't know. Can you check my balls please?" And I take my pants and boxers off revealing my purple balls and dick and then Louis touches it making everything hurt. Then I put my boxers and pants on again so Louis says "Come on we're going to be late!!"
Then he pulls me outside making me collapse as I start panting making Louis say "Harry what's wrong?" And I say "I'm not sure I'll be able to do the concert." Then Louis says "Well let's wait and see how you feel later alright." And I nod then I start coughing then something warm starts running down my chin. Then Louis says "Alright Harry right after the concert we'll take you in." And I nod then say "Carry me." So Louis picks me up then says "Try and sleep baby." And I nod and drift off. Then hear Louis say "Paul can you go get a blanket for him." Then hear Paul say "Sure kid." Then I let out a small sneeze then I hear Paul say "Here Louis." Then I feel the blanket get wrapped around me then I say "Lou you got my bear?" And Louis says "Yeah." And then I'm handed a small light brown stuffed bear with a red 1D sweatshirt on so I say "He needs a name what should I name him?" And then Louis says "How about LouBear Harry?" And I say "Yeah after all his furs the same color as you hair and he's wearing a red 1D sweatshirt." Then I let out a small yawn. Then fall asleep as the car stops then I feel Louis stand and carry me inside then I hear someone say "Lou what took you so long?" And I open my eyes and see three guys so I say "Hi." And then one says "Hey Harry." And I say "And you are?" And Louis says "That's Liam and Niall and Zayn." And I say "Oh yeah their also in the band." And then Louis says "Liam can you and Zayn take Harry to get his hair recolored?" And Liam says "Sure I'll make sure he doesn't run off." And then Louis hands me to Zayn making my eyes widen then my bottom lip starts shaking. Then someone else says "Liam Zayn time to get your make up done." Then Zayn starts walking away from Louis then he opens a door and sets me inside and says "I'll be back Harry." Then he shuts the door and then I hear the lock click. So I try to open it only for it to stay shut so I start knocking on it frantically while shouting only for it to open revealing Louise Teasdale so I say "Lou!!" And Louise says "Harry what are you doing here?" And I say "Zayn locked me in here and he didn't come back!!"
And then she picks me up making me stop crying then I yawn rubbing my eyes then Lou says "You must be exhausted try and sleep alright Harry." And I nod letting my eyes shut. Then I hear someone say "Lou what happened?" And then Louise says "I found Harry locked in one of the dressing rooms." And I open my eyes and say hoarsely "Lou." And then I feel Louis take me. Then he says "Harry who locked you in the dressing room?" And I say "Zayn." And Louis says "Lou can you go take Harry to go play with Lux until the show starts while I go talk to Zayn." And then I'm roughly handed to Louise making me say "Lou wan' go home." And Louise says "How about you stay with me and Lux since Louis obviously doesn't care enough to raise you correctly." And I say "Alright Mumma." Then Louis says "Harry I-" And I say "No you's don't touch me you's is a bad man!!" Then Louis goes to grab me only for me to scream saying "Don't touch me I's hate you's!!" Then Louise says "Harry it's alright." And I say "Me names not Harry me names Dustin." And Louise says "Come on Dustin lets go play with Lux alright." And I say "Yay I's gets to plays withs Luxy!!" Then she sets me down so I take off down the hall to Lux's playroom which I walk into and say "Hi Luxy." And she says "Hi Dusty." Then Louise walks in and I say "Mumma can you's dye me's hair?" And she says "Sure climb up Dust." And I climb into the chair then say "Can you's dye's its likes yours' Mumma?" And Mumma says "Sure baby." Then two hours later my hairs a purple lilac color. And I say "Tank's you's Mumma's me's love's you's so much's."
Then when the concerts over me and Lux are walking across the street to the car park when Lux runs out into the middle of the road. And then I notice the car heading towards her so I grab her pushing her gently out of the way only to get hit by the car making Louise say "Dustin!!" Then I feel someone drag me slowly to the side of the road so I open my eyes and see Lux holding my hand while struggling to drag me off of the road. Then I say when Lux finally gets me to the sidewalk "L-Luxy." Then I black out. Then hear Lux say "Dusty wake up!!" Then I feel her sit down in my arms then start shaking me while repeating "Dusty." Continuously then I feel her lay next to me crying into my chest so I wrap my arms around her. Her moving to lay on my front then I cough weakly my arms falling back to my sides my head falling to the side as I hear sirens heading towards where we are. Then I hear them stop then feel Lux move away from me then I feel someone lift me onto something then I'm lifted into the air and then I'm rolling then lifted into something then I hear Lux say "Dusty wake up please I miss you I love you baby brudda." Then I start coughing suddenly unable to breathe then I feel something get placed over my mouth and nose making it easier for me to breathe. So I open my eyes and say "Mumma." And she says "Yes Dusty?" And I say "I love you Mumma." And then I say "I-I love you Luxy." Then my breathing stops making my eyes shut slowly my head falls to the side. Then my heart monitor starts slowing then the doctor runs in and says "You two out please." And then as soon as Lux and Louise walk out the heart monitor flatlines then I'm shocked twice then I cough getting my breath back then I say "Daddy!!" Then the doctor says "Don't worry Dustin you'll see him soon." Only for me to start crying extremely hard my heart racing beyond belief.
Then I see Louise and Lux walk in so I say "You's is nots Daddy. No want you's wants Daddy!!" And Louise says "Who's your Daddy?" And I say "Ouis." Then Lux says "Hi baby brudda." And I say "I ain't your brother I'm your master an you's is my main bitch so when I tell you to do something you do it got it." And she says "Got it." And I say "Come here Luxy." And she crawls into my arms as the doctor walks in and says "Dustin your not allowed to have her in the bed." And I say "Fuck off bitch." Then Doctor Lester says "Louise want me to call someone?" And I say "Louis Tomlinson." And then the doctor says "Dustin you can call me Phil." And then I say "Alright Phil." Then he walks out and then my nurse walks in and says "Louis' on his way and he wanted me to give you these things." Then I'm handed my blanket Louis gave me and my bear and binky with L.S. On it. So I say "Thanks Dan." And he nods and walks out then Louis runs in so I say "Daddy!!" And he says "Hey baby how you feeling?" And I say "Like I fucking died then came back bitch." And then Louis says "Dustin Edward Tomlinson you better watch it." And I say "Sorry daddy." And he says "It's alright Dust."
At The Larry Stylinson Household.
And I smile and fall asleep. Then feel Louis put something in my mouth then I start sucking on the dummy it bobbing in my mouth as I sleep peacefully in Louis' arms then I hear Lux say "Mummy whys Dusty being mean?" And Louis says "Cause Lou's not his real parent. I am so he freaked out." Then I start shaking. Startling awake in tears then Louis says "Dust what's wrong?" And I say "I dwemt that Wou took me and huwt me and didn't let me see wou so I tiwed to sneak out only to get huwt badly by Wiam and Niaw and Zack." Then Louis hugs me then starts tickling me making me yelp in pain then Daddy says "Baby what's wrong?" And I say "My tummy huwts." Then Louis undos my Larry Stylinson pajamas top revealing a giant black and blue bruise covering almost my entire chest. Then Louis lightly pokes it enticing a loud cry from me then Daddy says "Liam!!" Making me whimper quietly still half asleep then Liam walks in and says "Yes Lou." And then Daddy says "Dusty baby can you show uncle Li your chest please." And I only mumble in response. As I suddenly don't know how to talk I just mumble again falling back into a deep sleep again as Louis says "I'll show you." Then I feel the shirt on me get moved a little then I feel Liam touch it lightly making me squeak then start crying. Then I feel Liam take me making me start squirming accidentally hitting him in the face as my crying increases so I'm nearly screaming then I feel Louis take me and put the dummy in my mouth making me quiet instantly. As I look up at him with innocent green eyes then my tummy rumbles so Louis unbuttons his shirt revealing his chest then he takes the dummy out as I move towards his chest latching on and start drinking then I stop after a while yawning smally then daddy puts the dummy in my mouth as I fall asleep.
Then I feel Daddy start moving making me move slightly then I feel him start rubbing my back softly so I mumble "Luff Daddy." Then I feel him start walking. Then climb inside something so I open my eyes and say "Hi Daddy." And he says "Hi baby." Then he kisses the top of my head making me giggle then I say "Where LouLou?" And then I spot my blanket on the other seat so I crawl to it grabbing it and then crawling back to Daddy. And snuggling back in his lap as he wraps my blanket around me then I yawn and fall asleep as the car stops then I feel Daddy stand and carry me inside then I hear someone say "Hello and welcome to Children's Hospital how may I help you?" And I hear Louis say "My son has a mysterious bruise on his chest and side." Then I feel myself get taken. Making me open my eyes and say "Lou!!" Then my lip starts shaking so Louis takes me again making me calm down as I rub my face into his chest then I say "I missed you." Then I feel Louis start walking and then I see a nurse holding a giant needle making me say "No needles!!" Then Louis says "Harry look at me and close your eyes." And I nod and look towards him and shut my eyes tightly. Then I hear the nurse say "Done!" Then I look and say "That didn't hurt."
And then the nurse walks out then a doctor walks in and says "Louis we've diagnosed Harry with Separation Anxiety and as for the bruise we're still testing that." And I say "Daddy I's hungry." And Louis says "I'll be right back then." And then he walks out making me start crying. So the doctor says "Harry it's okay." And I say "Daddy abandon me!!" Then he walks back in so I say "Daddy!!" Then he picks me up. Making me stop crying as he holds out a bottle which I latch onto and start drinking then the doctor walks in and says "Louis we've diagnosed Harry with a rare type of lung and heart cancer and I say "I have Cancer??" And Louis says "Will he be able to survive it?" And the doctor says "No but his immune system is very strong so he will be able to fight it." And then I say "Daddy my hair." And I look and see a pile of hair on the floor.
Then I fall asleep so Daddy thanks the doctor quietly then walks out then I feel him climb inside something so I open my eyes and say "Daddy I's is hungry." And then Louis' handed a bottle. Then I say "No milk!" Then Louis says "Harry it's not normal milk." Then I open my mouth and he puts the bottle in so I start drinking then stop once the bottles empty then feel Louis start putting my back so I burp then spit up a little. So Louis wipes my mouth with a spit up rag then takes off his shirt making my eyes widen and my mouth fall open then I say "Hot!!" Making Louis and Paul laugh then the car stops and Louis climbs out. Then picks me up as I fall then I hear a fan say "Lou how's Harry??" And I hear Louis say "He has separation anxiety and a rare type of lung and heart cancer." Then I feeling a bad pain in my chest start crying so a fan says "Lou can I see him." Then I'm handed to the fan who starts rocking me making the pain go away so I stop crying then I'm handed back to Louis who still has his shirt off so I say loudly "Hot!!" Making all the fans laugh and Louis blush then we walk inside. Where we're swarmed by the boys making me start crying so Louis says "It's okay Harry calm down." And I say "No it's not okay!!" Then I feel someone take me so I say "Get away from me you bastard!!" And I see Zayn looking shocked.
Then I hear someone say "Zayn where are you?" And I look and see Perrie so I say "Perrie!" And she says "Hey Harry." And then she takes me from Zayn. And says "Why don't you like Zayn?" And I say "Well Perrie last concert he set me inside a dressing room told me he'd be back to get me and left me there for two hours." And then Perrie says "Zayn is this true?" And Zayn says "Yes it is but I can explain!!" And I say "Oh go fuck yourself!!" And then Perrie says "Harry hun I'll take care of this." Then she says "Oh go fuck yourself Malik!!" Then I say "Perrie are you breaking up with him?" And she says "Yes I am Harry." And I say "I'll tell him." Then Perrie hands me her phone so I go to Zayn's contact and type 'Sorry but we're through.🖕🏼' and Zayn says "I really am sorry." And then I say "Perrie its almost show time." And then Perrie says "We'll discuss this later." Then she walks off with me in her arms then I say "Perrie can Leigh-Anne do my hair?" And Perrie says "Sure." And I smile then say "Hi girls." as we walk into the Little Mix dressing room and Leigh-Anne looks up and says "Hey Harry." And then I'm set down so I run over to her. Making them all laugh then I'm picked up by Leigh-Anne then I say "Can you braid my hair please?" And Leigh-Anne says "Sure Harry." Then Jade walks over and says "Can I help?"
And I say "Sure." Then Jesy says "Want me to go get your stuff and clothes from your dressing room?" And I say "Sure." Then she walks out. Then walks back in with my 1D teddy bear and Little Mix blanket so I say "Um Louis got that for me as a joke." And then Jesy says "Really Louis told me that your a Mixer is that true?" And I say "Alright it is." And then Leigh-Anne says "Who's your favorite?" And I say "Perrie, Jade, Jesy, and you." And then Leigh-Anne says "But if you could pick two of us." And I say "You and Perrie." And then after a few more minutes Leigh-Anne says "And there done." And I look and see my hairs in two french braids so I say "Thanks girls." Then I'm picked up by Jade. Then I hear someone say "Harry where are you?" And I say "I'm coming Louis!" Then I'm set down so I run out and right into Louis' arms and then he says "There you are Harry." And I say "Hi dad I've been hanging out with Perrie and the girls and then they did my hair." And then I'm picked up by Louis then carried back to our dressing room. Where Zayn is with a riding crop making me start shaking then I'm set down on the ground then I'm turned then stripped then I feel the whip on my legs making me scream.
Only to get gagged then I feel it on my thighs making me cry silently into the gag then on my lower back making me scream into the gag. Then middle back making me just lay there not responding then I feel it on my stomach making me cough then I feel it on my chest twice as hard making me scream loudly. Then I'm dressed and ungagged then I say "Perrie!! Leigh-Anne!!" And then they run in and then I'm picked up by Leigh-Anne making me cry harder then I feel her lift up my shirt then say "Harry who did this?" And I say "Ask the guy with the bloody riding crop!!" Then Leigh-Anne walks out as Perrie scolds Zayn. And then I hear Perrie say "Your just lucky we don't take him from you." And then I say "Leigh-Anne can you put me down." And she does then I run back to my dressing room and say "Louis can I talk to you." And then Zayn and Perrie walk out. And I say "What the hell was that about?!" And Louis says "What I tried to stop him but then Niall was suddenly restraining me." And I say "Alright I forgive you just next time if it happens again I'll fucking castrate you!!" And then he says "Okay."
Then I'm picked up by someone then I hear Louis say "Taylor let him go!!" And then I squirm out of her arms. Then run behind Louis just as the bell for the show to start goes off so me and Louis walk past Taylor and to the hidden exit where Zayn and Liam and Niall are. Then Niall says "Harry I'm sorry." And I say "Piss off." And then we all run out and onto the stage as Steal my Girl starts playing then I go over to the fans in the front row. Then I feel something wet run down my back so I look and see Liam running away with a empty water bottle in his hands so I run after him only to slip and fall hard on my ankle and wrist with a crack and a pop. Making me say "Ow my ankle!!" Then I feel someone pick me up so I look and see Louis making me smile then I cringe as Louis lays me down on the couch then I feel Perrie take my boot off making me scream. Then I feel Liam nudge my right wrist making yelp then Louis says "Harry what's wrong?" And I say "My wrist hurts! And my ankle hurts!!" And then I hear Perrie say "Louis it's dislocated I'm going to have to reset it." Then I feel her pop it back in making me scream. Then I feel Louis pick me up making me yawn laying my head on his chest making the crowd aw making me whimper trying to snuggle deeper into Louis' chest as Liam says "Girls I'm gonna need you to be quiet." Making all the fans quiet.
Then I say "Want Leigh-Anne." Then I'm handed to Leigh-Anne who holds me protectively as Zayn tries to take me from her. Then I fall asleep making all the fans scream in adoration then I sneeze looking up at Leigh-Anne cutely then I say "Can me and Louis go home with you guys?" And then Perrie says "I'm not sure Harry." And then I suddenly can't breathe. Making Jade say "Lou he's not breathing!!" Then I'm taken from Leigh-Anne then I say quietly "Daddy?" Then I stop breathing. Then hear Louis say "Liam go get his inhaler!!" As my eyes slowly start to shut so Louis says "Harry baby don't shut your eyes." And then I say "Always in my heart."
Then I see Liam hand something to Louis which he shakes then puts in my mouth pressing down on it so I breathe in making him say "That's it baby." Then I yawn suddenly able to breathe again. Falling asleep then I feel Louis start walking then I hear Paul say "Lou why's Harry bleeding?" And then I feel myself get laid on something then I feel something get pressed against my chest making me cry out. Then I open my eyes and say "It hurts!!" Then Louis says "I know but only for a little longer." Then I say "Daddy I feel sleepy." My eyes shutting slowly. My chest tightening making it harder for me to breathe then I feel Louis pick me up making me cough before my head hits his chest as I try to breathe through the tightness in my chest and throat.
Then I hear Louis say "Lads get in here!!" And then I hear them all run in then I hear Liam say "Lou whats wrong?" And I hear Louis say "Harry's immune system is weakening." Then I hear Niall say "Wait doesn't he still have cancer?" And then. I feel something wet on my forehead then I hear Zayn say "Don't worry Lou he'll be alright." Then I hear Louis say "Zayn piss off." Then I feel Louis start walking making me whine. And then I feel someone brush some hair from my eyes making Louis say "Don't touch him you arsehole." Then I feel Louis climb into something making me whimper as I fall asleep so Louis gently rubs my hair making me smile. And then I feel the car stop and Louis climb out then I'm suddenly moved making me open my eyes only to get sick only for it to be purely blood making me say "Daddy." Then I faint then feel someone pick me up then lay me on something.
One month later Harry was put on chemo after his immune system nearly shut down from the cancer and the chemo currently is making the cancer worse.
I look at Harry and see he still looks quite ill so I sigh and take his hand. Making him wake up and say weakly "Daddy?" And I say "I'm right here baby." And he takes a breath and says "Go on for two more years for me please." And I say "I promise we will Haz."
I look at Louis and say "Marry Perrie you know you love her and I know you'll want to spite the twat." And Louis says "I will baby." Then I start coughing. Whimpering as my breath starts shortening so Louis says "Easy Harry deep breaths." Then I only cough harder making my chest burn and my lungs ache as well as my heart. So I say "Daddy nurse." And then Louis presses the call button and a nurse runs in and says "Mr. Tomlinson you need to leave." Then I feel my lungs stop. Making my lips turn blue as my eyes unfocus then the monitors start ringing making the nurse push Louis out of the room the call a doctor then I feel all my hair fall out including my eyebrows. Then a doctor runs in and then preps me and proceeds to slowly insert a breathing tube into my throat so I can breathe then I slowly let my eyes shut.
I'm waiting outside for news on Harry when his doctor walks out and says "Louis what you saw was Harry suffering from his lungs collapsing so we had to put a breathing tube in him so he can live and also put him on life support." Then I say "Can you call my friends please." And the doctor nods and says "You can see him if you want." And I nod and walk in. And see Harry looking small and vulnerable lying so ill on the bed then Liam and Niall and Zayn and Perrie and the girls run in and I say "He's going to meet a sticky end I know he is." And Perrie says "No Lou he isn't just think of this as a relief from all his pain." Then we all lay down for the night. Then sometime during the night we all sit up to hear beep beep be beeeeeeppp so I stand and say "He's dead."
There will be a sequel when I have time to write it.

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