Don't Let Me Go

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Yes I know this is similar to another story but I give all credit to its original owner @KirstenMyrie who gave me the idea to write this
I look at Louis and say "Lou let's try for a baby again." And he says "Harry you know that's a bad idea." And I say "Please Lou." And he says "Fine!!" Making me smile and run into the bedroom making Louis laugh and smile. Then he says "Eager are we?" And I say "Just fuck me already." And he says "With pleasure." So I strip and lay on the bed face down then I feel Louis enter me all at once making me moan. Then I feel myself come close as I feel Louis cum in me then pull out and flip me kissing me as I come undone then we break apart panting then  I say "Sleep with me." Making him nod and lay next to me as I lick the cum off of his bare chest only to yawn. Then I fall asleep my head on Louis' chest then when I wake up I immediately feel sick so I run into the bathroom only to throw up then feel extremely weak so I say "Lou." Making him walk in and say "You think your?" And I say "Most likely." Then I try to stand only to nearly collapse so Louis catches me and says "Want me to get Liam to get you a test?" And I say "Sure." Then he picks me up and lays me on the bed and says "You just sleep alright I'll come and wake you when he comes back okay." And I nod shutting my eyes falling asleep only to wake up and say "It's too quiet." So I grab the remote and turn on YouTube on the tv and go to Pillow Talk so it starts playing really loud so I fall asleep again.
Only to wake up to Louis rubbing my hair making me look up at him so he says "Liam's back love." And I nod and sit up only to be struck with extreme dizziness. Making me groan shutting my eyes tightly so Louis says "You okay?" And I say "No the rooms fucking spinning in a damn circle." So he helps me stand slowly. Then he helps me walk into the bathroom setting me down on the toilet then I hear him walk out then walk back in making me open my eyes looking up at him so he helps me stand then I take the test and set it in the sink then he helps me walk back to the bedroom laying me on the bed so I fall asleep. So I say "I wanna go with you." So he picks me up and carries me to the living room where the rest of the boys are only for Niall to be talking loudly making me start to wake up so Louis says "Niall could you tone it down please I don't wanna wake Harry up." And he says "Sure sorry." So Louis sits on the couch next to Liam.
Only for the timer to go off so he stands and lays me on the second couch draping a blanket over me then I hear him walk out. Only to walk in and say "It was negative." And I hear Liam and Niall say "Thank god for that!" Making me nearly wake up again. So I say "It's a paradise and it's a war zone." Making Niall say "He's been listening to Zayn again hasn't he." And I hear Louis say "Yeah." Then I wake up and say "Lou I'm sorry I lost our baby." And he says "Harry you didn't loose it you just weren't fertile enough." Making me say "But I am fertile enough I just haven't been able to get a baby." Then I stand and walk into the bedroom slamming the door and locking it. Only to suddenly feel extremely weak only to collapse as the door opens only to feel Louis catch me and pick me up and carrying me outside and to the car placing me inside as the boys walk out climbing in. Only to feel the car stop so Louis climbs out and starts walking only for someone to say "Louis what are you doing here?" So Louis says "Trisha can you please help us can you get my mum please." And she says "Sure." Then I feel Louis start walking only for me to get placed on something then I hear someone say "Lou apparently Harry is currently carrying twins. Now this'll be a lot more risky considering no male has ever carried twins and made it through the whole pregnancy without suffering a miscarriage or both the fetuses and the carrier dying so you'll need to monitor him carefully." Then I'm suddenly picked up. Making me groan opening my eyes.
As Louis says "You okay Harry?" And I say "I'm fine." Then Liam says "Lou Modest! wants to talk to us." And I say "Oh boy here we go." Making Louis. Nod and say "Well this won't be good." Making me laugh then fall asleep only for Pillow Talk to come on the radio making me smile and start singing softly. Only for the car to stop and the music to shut of making me get restless so Louis puts his headphones on me and connects it to my phone so Pillow Talk continues on a loop. Making me relax and wake up as he says "Come on Haz time to talk to management." And I say "But their gonna yell at me!!" Making Liam say "Harry stop whining and suck it up." Making me whimper so Louis says "Liam what the fuck is wrong with you." And Liam says "Harry's my problem." And Niall says "Liam come on it's not Harry's fault he's an abomination." Making me start crying softly. Then I hear Liam say "Exactly he's just a horrifying abomination that needs to be put down!!" Making me cry harder so Louis hugs me only for me to run crying into the bathrooms locking myself in a stall.
Only to hear Louis walk in so I say "Lou." So he walks over to my stall and says "Harry come on out love." And so I unlock the door. So he opens it and hugs me as I continue to cry into his chest then I'm laid a sleepy mess in Louis' arms so he says "Better?" And I say "No." So we walk out and to the office where Niall and Liam are. Making me whimper so Louis shields me from them as I try not to start crying again then we walk in and sit down me and Louis next to each other. As Arthur says "Hello boys I see we've been busy today." Then Veronica says "Especially considering you spent half of it in a bloody hospital!!" So Louis says "Yes well aside from that what did you want to talk to us about?" And Arthur says "Harry. Seeing as he's a complete abomination he'll need to be put on break until that thing is out of him." And Veronica says "Don't forget a complete waste of space Arthur." And he says "Yes that too." Only for Mark to speak up and say "Yes well I wish you both luck." And I say "Thanks Mark." Making Arthur say "Mark don't speak to it!! It might infect you." Then Freddie says "And don't even think about telling the fans." And I say "Of course I'm not gonna tell the fans." Then Arthur says "Well times up boys now get out. Harry stay for a minute I want to talk to you alone." And I nod and hug Louis. Then the three walk out only for Arthur to say "Listen Harold if you tell the fans you'll have to break it off with Louis got it." And I nod. So he dismisses me so I walk out and to where Louis is then he says "Well what happened?" And I say "He said if we tell the fans then I'll have to break up with you."
Then a small wave of pain hits me making me groan so Louis says "Harry try and relax stressing won't do you or the baby any good." And I nod and take Louis' hand. So we both walk out only to hear a fan say "Harry is the baby Louis'?!" Making me look at Louis only for the fan to say "It is Louis' omfg it's a Larry baby!!" Making me start panicking. Then we reach the van so we both climb in the door shutting behind us then Liam says "Slut." Then Niall says "Whore." So I snap and say "Oh shut up Whoran!!" Glaring at him. Only to start crying again so Niall says "Harry it's okay I'm sorry." And I say "Promise?" And he says "Promise." Making me smile then fall asleep so Louis says "Thanks Niall." And he says "Yeah well I just don't like seeing him upset plus I only did it cause Liam told me to." Making me frown. Then the car stops and so Louis climbs out and picks me up carrying me inside only for me to get placed on something soft then I hear Louis say "Niall I've gotta go to ASDA can you watch him for me?" So Niall says "Sure Lou." Then I feel him climb into the bed next to me so I cuddle into him wrapping my arms around him then I hear the door shut making me wake up only for Niall to kiss me making me whimper and back up only to fall off the bed so I back into the corner. Only for Liam to walk in and shut and lock the door so I quickly text Zayn "Zayn please help me it's Liam and Niall they're gonna rape me!!😭🤕😖" Then I get a strong kick to my abdomen making me groan and rub my side only for Zayn to text back saying "Don't worry Harry I'm on my way." Making me smile only for Liam to take my phone and break it.
Then I'm picked up and thrown onto the bed and then my lower half is stripped then I get a stronger pain than before making me whine. So Liam says "Um Harry why are you bleeding?" Making me say weakly "I-I'm i-in l-labour y-you c-cunts!!" My eyes half opened making Niall say "Harry don't shut your eyes!" And I say "I'm sleepy." Then the door opens and Niall's pushed out of the way. So I look up and see Zayn who puts my sweats and boxers back on me then he says "Harry don't worry I called an ambulance and it'll be here any second." Making me nod and try to keep my eyes open only for two EMTS to run in with a stretcher which I'm placed on. Then I say "Niall come here." And he says "What is it?" And I say "I quit." Then I'm taken down to the ambulance where I'm lifted into it then taken to the hospital then I'm rushed into surgery to get the babies out considering they're currently dying from lack of air.
Two Hours Later
I wake up and see Zayn sitting next to me with a sad look on his face so I say "What happened?" And he says "We lost them." So I say "Did you tell Louis?" And he says "No. But also Harry I think he's dating someone else." So I say "Who?" And Zayn says "A girl named Briana." Making me start crying. So Zayn says "You get out tonight want me to go with you to tell management your leaving the band?" And I say "Sure I could use the support." Then I fall asleep cuddling into Zayn. Only to wake up to someone saying "Harry are you okay?" So I look and see Louis so I cuddle back into Zayn falling asleep again so Zayn wakes up and says "Lou I'm not sure if he wants to talk to you. Right Harry." And I nod. So Zayn says "Do you want to talk to him?" So I shake my head making Zayn say "And Lou he lost the babies." So Louis says "How?" And I say "Liam and Niall. Niall kissed me and then Liam nearly raped me luckily Zayn came before he could only for me to go into premature labour." Making Louis say "Well then once your cleared and home I'll make them apologize."
Only for Zayn to say "Lou when Harry's cleared I'm going with him to have a meeting with management about him leaving the band." Then I hear someone else say "Lou I need to talk to you!!" Making me wake up and see a girl walk in with long brown hair. Who says "Can we talk outside please?" And Louis says "Sure." Then he's pulled outside as the girl says "I'm pregnant!!" Making my heart drop so I look at Zayn who hugs me as I start crying so Louis says "That's great I'll meet you at home okay." Then I hear Briana walk away. So Louis walks back in and says "Harry did you hear anything?" And I say "What do you think you twat!?" Making him flinch then I say "Zaynie is it time yet?" And he says "Yeah want me to get him out for you." And I nod. So Zayn presses the call button which summons Paul who nods and picks Louis up over his shoulder carrying him out.
Then Zayn gets off the bed then helps me climb out and get dressed into set?.embedder=16939372&.svc=copypaste&id=191513527 (Go to this link and you'll see Harry's new look 😉😋). So I say "Zayn you got this for me didn't you?" And he says "Yeah I did your welcome though." So I smile and hug him only for him to kiss me so I kiss back. Then I say "Can I go back to New York with you?" And he says "Sure. We could leave tonight." And I say "Only after I change my look a little." Making Zayn nod then we walk out and to the front desk where Zayn checks me out so we walk out and with Dan and Phil's necklaces around our necks me wearing Dans and Zayn wearing Phil's. Then I say "Zayn I need to get a few new tattoos." So Zayn says "Alright well then let's go." Then we head to Zayn's tattoo parlor where Ed is so I say "Hi Ed I'm here for some new tattoos." And Ed says "Sure where would you like them?" And I say "Well I'd like a graffiti sleeve on my left arm and a 50 skull print on my left side and a skull print on my right collar bone." And he says "Sure take a seat." And so I follow him to a chair sitting down and rolling up my jumper sleeve so Ed gets started then two hours later my arm is done so he wraps it then pulls my shirt up and off so I lay on my right side as he does my side.
Then a hour later he wraps it then I lay on my back again as he does my collar bone then a half hour later he finishes and wraps it. Then says "Keep the bandages on for about two weeks to make sure they don't smear okay." And I nod and say "Thanks Eddie." Making him smile and hug me so I hug him back with one arm then I say "You know where I could get some piercings?" And he says "Yeah just down the street in the left just talk to Justin." And I nod and walk out with Zayn. Who wraps an arm around me kissing my neck making me giggle and kiss him then we walk in so I go to the desk and say "Hi Justin I'm here for some piercings please." And he says "Sure where would you like them?" And I say "Two on my lower lip a eyebrow piercing and a nose piercing and also three on my outer left ear and a dangling skull belly button piercing." Making him nod and say "Okay follow me." And I nod and follow him back to the chair sitting down as Justin starts on my multiple piercings.
Then a few long minutes later I'm finished and then I say "Thanks Justin." And he says "Bye Harry." Then me and Zayn walk out. And to the salon where I see Zoe and say "Hi Zoe I'm here to get my hair dyed." And she says "Sure what'll it be Haz?" And I say "Well I'd like it dyed black then at the bottom of it bright blue okay." And she says "Sure." Then I follow her back and to a chair sitting down as she dyes my hair black then adds bright blue ends that go from halfway up to the ends of my hair. Then 20 minutes later it's dry and ready so I say "Thanks Zoe tell Joe I said hi!" And she says "Will do Haz!!" Then me and Zayn both walk out and to his car so his driver takes us to the airport where we get on the next flight to New York. Then I say "Zayn wanna help me find a partner?" And he says "Sure." Then a few hours later the plane lands and we both walk off and into the airport then we get into Zayn's car and drive off to California then he helps me get a house and a car then I say "Thanks Zayn although I think I have an idea of who I want to date." And he says "Who?" And I say "Taylor Swift." And he says "What about Tyler Oakley." And I say "Sure." And Zayn says "Alright well then let's go meet him."
Then we get in my car driving to where he lives so we get out of the car only for me to be hugged by something making me laugh and say "Hi Tyler." And he says "Hi I love you." And I say "Wanna go on a date?" And he says "Sure where?" And I say "A dive bar." So he says "Yes oh my god yes!!" So the three of us get in the car. And then I drop Zayn off at my house then me and Tyler head to the closest dive bar then we climb out and walk inside and head to the bar getting two shots of Fireball Whiskey. Then I say "Wanna go to my house?" And he says "Sure." Then we walk out and drive to my house walking inside lip locked the door shutting behind us as I carry Tyler upstairs and to the bedroom dropping him onto the bed. Then stripping him as he says "Haz let me do you." And I say "Sure." Then he flips us and strips me kissing me then we do it and are laid a sweaty mess in bed then we both fall asleep in each other's arms only for me to wake up and run into the bathroom throwing up. Then I feel someone rubbing my back so I say "Tyler can I tell you something?" And he says "Sure what is it?" And I say "Well I can carry a child."
So he says "Oh my god Haz that's awesome!!" And I say "Really your not freaked out?" And he says "Honestly not but don't worry I'll never hurt you and I'll never leave you." Making me smile and say "Thanks Tyler." Then he helps me stand and walk back to the bed. Me laying back down on it while rubbing my sore stomach so Tyler says "Want me to get you a hot water bottle." And I say "Sure thanks Tyler." Then he sets up a baby monitor and takes the other one and walks out as I turn on the tv only for a sharp strong pain to hit making me groan then say pained "Tyler!!" Then a few minutes later he walks in and says "Yeah?" And I say "It hurts!!" So he places the bottle on my stomach making me sigh then he lays next to me so I lay my head on his chest as he rubs my stomach. Then I say "Ty can we get me checked please?" And he says "Sure." Then he helps me stand so we walk down the stairs and to my car him helping me in then he gets in the drivers seat then he drives off to the hospital then when we reach the hospital him helping me out. And then we walk inside as Tyler checks me in then we walk into an exam room.
Only for the doctor to say "I'm sorry but it appears that you aren't pregnant and that the cause of your discomfort is stage 3 stomach cancer." Making Tyler run out. So I walk out and drive to Zayn's house who answers and says "Harry what's wrong?" And I say "Tyler dumped me and I also have stage 3 stomach cancer." So he brings me inside and says "Harry you want to?" And I say "Sure." And so we do it and are laid a sweaty mess in bed then I suddenly start coughing so Zayn says "Harry you want to date me?" And I say "Sure." Then I fall asleep in Zayn's arms only to wake up to a white hot pain making me let out a quiet sob making Zayn wake up and say "Harry It's okay love just breathe." And I say "It hurts!" So he starts rubbing my tummy softly making me sigh laying back down only to fall asleep. Then halfway through the night my stomach flares up making me whine shifting a little so Zayn continues rubbing my tummy making me relax falling back into a deep sleep so Zayn carefully shifts me so I'm laying next to him making me grow restless.
So he sighs and stands kissing my forehead making me smile then I hear him walk out and the door shut then I keep sleeping only for my hunger to wake me up. So I put my boxers back on and walk into the kitchen grabbing some chicken and chili then move into the sitting room watching tv while I eat only to get a strong pain to my lower abdomen so I go into the bathroom and do a pregnancy test walking back into the sitting room continue watching Supernatural only for the timer to go off fifteen minutes later so I walk back into the bathroom and see all tests read positive. So I go to my private doctor who says "Harry it seems that your a little over a week along." So I say "So I am pregnant then?" And she says "Yes and apparently it's twins." So I nod and drive back to the house.
Seven Months Later (Harry's a little over 7 months along.)
I'm sitting on the couch while Zayn gets ready for work then he says "See you tonight babe I'll call you when I'm on my way back." And I say "Alright." Then he kisses me. Only to walk out shutting the door so I lean back and continue watching Supernatural only for the door to slam open and for three people to walk in then I'm knocked out by someone. So I say "Please don't hurt them." And I hear someone say "We won't Harry." Then everything goes black as I'm picked up carefully by someone only to get placed in something and tied up and gagged only for the car to start and drive off as my phone starts ringing so one of the guys says "Lou answer it." So he digs in my pockets and then answers and talks then I hear my phone beep making me groan waking up only to see Louis so I try and crawl over to him only to start coughing. So he takes the gag off so I say "Lou why are you doing this?" Making him say "Because they're threatening to kill both of us." So I say "So I'm guessing it's Justin and Dan then." So Louis says "Yeah Dans actually really nice but Justin is a complete dickhead."
Only for Justin to say "Lou stop talking to him!!" Then I say "Justin fuck off!!" Only for Justin to climb back with me and Louis only for me to get cornered by him making me start visibly shaking so I say quietly "Lou help me please." So he grabs Justin and drags him to the opposite side of the van then I say "Lou you know you can untie me I won't try to escape." So he cuts the ropes off my wrists and ankles so I hug him. Only to get pulled away from him and put into a headlock which cuts off my air making me start gasping and clawing at his hand so Dan says "Justin stop your killing him!!" So he drops me making me start coughing crawling towards Louis who wraps an arm protectively around me. As I try and calm my heart rate so he says "Harry it's okay love just breathe." And I say "Don't let him hurt me." And he says "Don't worry Haz I'd never let that happen." So I smile. And hug him only for my phone to start ringing so I take it from Louis looking at the caller ID and see it reads ZAYN❤️💘 so I say "What should I do?" And Louis says "Answer it and say that you went to your mums house." So I nod and answer it and Zayn says "Harry where are you?" And I say "Sorry Zayn I just went to my mums house to see her." And he says "Alright when will you back?" And I look at Louis so he says "Two years." So I nod and say "Two years sorry." Then I hang up. So Justin says "Nice job Harry." And I say "Thanks Justin." Only for Amnesia to come on the radio so I say "Hey Lou want to see a picture?" And he says "Sure." So I pull out my phone and show him a picture.

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