a new start

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Waking up to the sweet sound of a alarm clock . in my little bed as my alarm clock rings at 6:30am. As usuall i hit on it just so it will shut up.

I turn up some musik get up and head to the bathroom and look in the mirror. "Another day in hell" i say to myself and brush my teeth and hair.

I put my hair in a messy bun and putting my makeup on . It wasnt much just mascara , smokey eyes , my glasses and lipstick in a nude colour.

I put on black tights , a normal white tshirt which is in the front shorter than the back and some airforce as shoes.

I went downstairs seeing my mom drinking again

Did i tell you she is abusive to me and only drinks ? No? Well its about time.

I dont give her eyecontact and head to the kitched when she suddenly approaches me.

"You cant eat ! Your to fat you already way 60 pounds ." She yells by dumping the bowl in the trash.

I look away rolling my eyes grabbing some water and a banana for school . I put in in my bag grabbed my phone and walked to school

At school:

I walked in to my locker straight ahead to grab my biologie books avoiding eye contakt with anyone even the nerds.

I suddenly get slammed against the locker leaving a cut on my head bleeding.

"Oh look your back , didnt you want to kill yourself " the new boy kian says by knocking my books to the ground.
"No i-i didnt even want t-" he cutt me off
"Yes you do , cant you see your unwelcome here noone likes you just go home " he said and laughed punching me in the stomach to make me fall to the ground and lay there.

The bell rang and u still sat there 10 minutes , realising i needed to get back to class.

I knocked on the door and went in.

"Sorry im late mrs.forbes"
"Why are you late "

"Maybe she tried to commit suicide again" some boy said with the others laughing .

I lifted up my classes and took a empty seat next to a gorgous boy.

"Now cameron , i dont want to hear that again " she said without looking away from the board.

"So class today is a partner project , you have to do a topic on a jungle animal good luck " .

Everyone had a partner so i attempted to do the project on my own when a boy came up to me .

"Hey im JC as in justin , but just call me JC" he said

"You really shouldnt be here around me , you wont have friends " i said looking at my paper

"I know you , your bullied but i have a friend and that you . You need someone to look out on you i dont care what others think .. so which animal do you want to do?"

" ehm thats really nice , okay then tiger" i say.

"So want to meet at my house sometime , heres my number " he say giving me his number. And just then the bell rings .

Its lunch time . I head to the cafeteria and grab my lunch food amd sit at a empty table. In that second mashed patatoes got dumped on my shirt.

"What is this" i scream at him at kian

"Your food go ahead eat up " he says and leaves laughing.

At that time jc comes.

"What do you want? " i say

"Come with me were going to my place " he says

We walk in the parking lot in his car and drive to his place .
And there were 2 other boys trevor was one , the other was conner.

"Hi im anna " i say

"Im conner this is trevor you look like a mess go upstairs theres sone clothes " he says smiling .

bullied by kian  lawley/ fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now