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Ugh just an other day working at Starbucks. I've been working here for almost a year now, at first it was just for the free drinks. Obviously any girly teenager loves Starbucks and I was no exception. I was totally that basic bitch I never needed anything fancy like how Some people like my best friend and colleague Ashley would order like a hundred different complicated things in one drink. All I had during work was a caramel frap with extra caramel drizzle. It doesn't sound like much but it sure hits the spot. As I continued working over the months I met my regulars who come in almost ever day, like freida and Angie two 14 year olds who are best friends and come in almost every day after school. I remember coming in with Ashley one day to realize that they had 3 job openings.

"Hello welcome to Starbucks what can I get you?" I say as I turn on the till.

"Uhhm" says a cute guy about my age maybe a little older and definitely taller. "Can I have a caramel ribbon crunch frap but in stead of the crunch can I have more caramel"

I grab a cup and write down his order wide eyed. I start chuckling " never thought I'd head that from someone else, but sure what size?"

He looks confused " grande, and what do you mean you never thought you'd hear someone else say that?"

He looks so cute confused, shut up you do have a boyfriend. I knock myself out of the cute guy daze. "Well I order that for my self at the end of my shift because it's so good and no one else I have ever served orders that"

He smiles and my heart flutters. "Well it's not that I don't like anything else on the menu i just haven't tried anything else"

I smile "me neither" and I remember his name "what's your name? " I ask

"Shane" he replies a little shy.

"Okay is it spelt C H E Y N N E or S H A N E or is it something else" I ask blushing with my head down trying to hide it.

"S H A N E" he answers clearly and i think he saw my blush from the was he was looking into my eyes. His eyes are so beautiful like a warm blue ocean ahhhhhh boys, but what about Austin? But what about Shane. Well I don't really like Austin. But I barely know Shane. Ugh only time will tell.

As I finish his drink I put on a little extra caramel and hand it to him.

"See ya later" he pauses glancing at my name tag "Callie" he smiles and leaves the store.

As he smiles I think my heart skipped a beat And I take the next order.

Ashley scares me from behind and I drop the cup of coffe all over the floor and my customer sighs, "what the heck?" I say angrily reaching for the mop.

"Who was that" Ashley asks me wiggling her eyebrows

"Just a boy" I sigh thinking of him

"Mm mm hmmm " Ashley says taking the next order. "Sooo what was his name?" Ashley says with intimidating eyes forcing me into telling her.

"Shane" I blurt out

"Oooooh CALLIES GOT A CRUSH!!!" Ashley screams out and then turns her attention back to me looking satisfied.

"I do not" I shoot back.

"Whatever he likes you " Ashley tells me.

I smile maybe he does like me back. Not that I like him.

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