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I wake up in Shane's arms and see him awake playing with my hair, I smile and snuggle close to his chest.

"I love you" I whisper not even meaning to say it, I turn hard as rock in fear that he doesn't love me back.

He sighs "I love you too" I look up and he kisses me on the forehead,


•5 weeks later•

I didn't know that Shane's family was moving to Florida, not until they were gone, the house had been in the family for decades and Shane was of age to live alone sooo Shane stayed at the mansion, Shane was very rich. His dad is an investor so Shane was getting a 200k allowance from his father,

I dropped by the house to see Shane waiting at the door step. I have a confused look on my face as I approach him.

"Hey what's going on?" I ask

He smiles "do you want to move in with me?" He asks with a hopeful look in his eyes, I smile before jumping into his arms.

I frown, "my parents won't let me,"

"I already asked them!" He is grinning like a child on Christmas morning I scream in happiness. I run into the house and into Shan-our room,

"I have to run some errands and get some of your things from your house okay?" He asks already walking to his car.

I give two thumbs up run into the kitchen, I start making my famous lasagna for supper, Shane's maid comes in,

"AHHHHH YOU ARE HERE!" She runs up to me and kisses me on both cheeks

"It's me" I give jazz hands

She laughs "what are you doing making supper?"

"Oh, I just wanted to make some lasagna to pass the time", I smile.

"Okay, well it's 6:00 o'clock so I'll be going home now, by the way. Condoms are in the bottom drawer" I roll my eyes and she laughs
It's 9:00 now and I know that my period will be in a few days so it's now or never,


I MOVE towards him with a seductive look in my eye and lean to kiss him, the make out gets heated and our clothes are in a pile at the foot of the bed, Shane looks over to me

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks cautiously

I nod and he pulls on a condom, he positions himself at my entrance

"This might hurt, tell me if you need me to stop" I roll my eyes and nod, it can't be that bad. Exept his massive thing might be a little much to start.

He pushes in and I scream tears brimming in my eyes, as we go on I get used to him and the pain is replaced by pleasure until I hear a snap, confused he pulls out and I see that a broken condom is dangling from his fingers.

"Oh shit" he says and I nod. "Maybe we should"

"Go to bed" I cut him off and he nods, we both put some pyjamas on and slide under the covers. Shane kisses my forehead

"I'm sorry" he says regretfully

"It's not your fault," I smile. "I really missed out all my life! That was amazing"

He chuckles huskily that send shivers through me, how did I get so lucky

"I just want you to know that, baby or no baby. We're in this together,"

"Thank you" I say and we fall asleep in each others arms

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