The kasugi crow flown with its wings "misson for kocho and tomioka it repeated rapidly
Tomioka grabbed his katana and ran as fast as a could alongside kocho "water breathing 1st form Water surface slash! The demons head was cut off * "ara ara tomioka san u didn't leave me a part to kill she said angrily ] giyuu said nothing] a demon rushed up to them Kicking the tree down Infront of them ] giyuu grabbed shinobu and put her down] ' moved kocho' said tomioka ] "she took her bokuto and moved out the way ] 'blood demon art exploding expansion " suddenly the ground shook from the demons bda ] 11th form .. dead calm.. [ insect breathing! Dance of the butterfly! ] ' heh it definitely won't hurt maybe said shinobu ' ' it definitely will demon mumbled giyuu the demons swarmed around them ] 'the main demon has little clones ! Said giyuu] 'Water breathing 10th form Constant flux! He slashed 8 shinobu slashed 6 'water breathing water wheel ! The main demon came in and destroy the forest] 'ara ara how rude'! Kocho stabbed the demon- water breathing 12th form water tiger a tiger went behind giyuu gravity stopped working in the forest 'let me show you what it means to be a HASHIRA! The tiger ran with giyuu ] 'such speed said kocho' she joined in the fight ] the demon started to run ] 'Tiger Power he slashed his bokuto and got faster the tiger jumped in the air becoming full water the demon tried to slash it but went through ' u can't slash water dumbass said giyuu' ] the tiger opened its mouth and jumped looking like it bit the demon the demon stood up once again and ran ' butter fly dance shinobu stabbed it jumping in the air ] the tiger came out the ground taking out the demon with shinobu] 'Water surface slash '] he cut the head ] 'that is what it means to be a fake hashira..] they walked back to mansion ' we have another misson in 2 weeks tomioka san are you excited] ' how do we get times for misson if demons come any time ] 'well u see there are now shadows something like demons and they have merged together and shadows attack at a certain time when they want to ' said shinobu] ' I see let's hurry up I don't wanna mess up my training schedule ]' training schedule look ur trying to get stronger so cut-] ' be quiet mosquito lookin ah ] 'AY ur done shinobu rushed at tomioka] 'sabitoe save me ] and that was part 1 part 2 coming soon u little monk-